My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

That's one sweet looking car! Interior shots next time please! I know I can google - but still - I want instant gratification. =)'

It's that expensive because the slave-trade market it requires to have someone behind that ring to blow air constantly comes with a price! You people and your entitlement complex!

Now playing

I wonder if this idea came about from my re-filling of those mini-bottles in the hotel-fridges? I want royalty rights! I know my rights!

@maximum_sarge: word for word ditto! The stickers makes the photos tacky - great shots nonetheless. Thank goodness for Photoshop - much needed in this case!

@Ldubbz: It was a Cobalt... but edited out in a re-take due to obvious poor judgment.

@Spencedaddy: The recorders mysteriously didn't have tapes in them at the time - none of them. So unfortunate... sorry.

This was greater than 180 characters - I don't understand...

I always had a soft spot for models of every-day looking cars versus the standard issue Bugatti or Lambo plastic kit. Don't get me wrong, I want in real life - it's just that seeing "ordinary" in kit-form makes the real thing somewhat "not so ordinary" anymore...

It's NY! The tail lights work, the wheels are in tact, and hopefully the horn functions. All else is a bonus!

There you go Jalopnik, I did the dirty work for you...

My sympathies go out to the crew and people on the ground who were affected by this.

@Middleswine: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, ... approve your comment.

@Phil L.: my sources tell me the plane had flight issues... Some say gravity had something to do with it!

Something else entered my mind upon first seeing this - I think I'd get arrested if someone finds me building it...

This is going to be a marketing-timing FAIL as most people have seen it 10x in 2D to have all the scenes saturated into the brain. A 3D version so late in the game won't do anything and Panasonic trying to ride THAT "wave" will have an unpleasant surprise. Much dust will be collected on shelves! I see clearance