My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

@shiveringjenny: Oh, you're very welcome... glad I could bring some eViolence to your life.

what's wrong with a couple of 16d nails and a sledge? That sucker will NEVER fall off!

Remote Wrangler is one of those things you buy at Big Lots for $5.99 because it looks like a good idea at the time but when you take it home, you notice that you have a Harmony remote and shouldn't have wasted the cash on another piece of crap that will end up in the corner of the room for the next 5 years until it's

Just in time for the hurricane season!

@SweetZombieJesus: Here's some VERY old data but OK estimation for discussion purposes:

It's a pretty car! Can't see out of it but still a pretty re-make. I see SO many on the streets recently - must be great cash back incentives on the damn thing. I think it's prettier than the stang - prob because stang-look is a tad dated at this point for me. Since 64, each model change just added a 10lb look

So, let me get this straight. People are buying less cars than in previous years. Does that mean they're now walking and suffering great sorrows or do they now have to empty the ash-tray in lieu of trading it in because it was full? They were overbuying before - these numbers are what they SHOULD be!

@eldo500: should be part of the jail check-in process...

It may look like a Supra, but is oh so nice!

Some say it's an image of irony, some say it's a nice juxtaposition, others say 600HP, all carbon fiber, and 10MPG's makes this picture the epitome of a "raison d'etre" fail.

@SweetZombieJesus: thanks for the clarification - I get your point now. You're correct. However, the marketing geniuses do use graphics and text in such a way that accentuates a concern to a level of anxiety. They play down the notion that most people drive 30 miles a day and highlight the portion of the 3x/yr when

@jumpmanx2424: WMD in this case would be Whiny Midget Drivers?

@Barcode711: I think that's called a golf-cart but I could be wrong...

@SweetZombieJesus: Yeah, 'cuz fear mongering never produces any quality results in business or politics! Oh wait...

@UnlimitedRevs: Never you mind the past - they have your best interest at heart!