My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

@TheAntiCat: that's wrong on so many levels!

In the navy

@theimmc: and next week's headline: "HP pays $1.6Billion settlement for defrauding US Navy"

@Digitallysick: It's not their money, what do they care? Shove it under the "fighting terrorism" Bill and it's as good as done... with a Ferrari chaser for the signee.

What kind of OS & graphics card do you need for this? Oh wait. It's one of them fandangled manual type games... ooooooh!

Is this Ferrari's "fix" to the recent "hotness" issues under the hood? A quicker way to escape? Way to go R&D!

so when there's a fire and the sprinklers are all spraying everywhere - the bed posts spin as well? cool!

It's refreshing to see the evolution of car design (nicer cars of course - not your Aveos or Cobalts) geared towards detail. Yeah, it'll cost you $10K to detail but that'll never be my problem now, will it?

Meh, watching where you're driving is overrated anyway...

A rolling hot dog stand with frosty beverages would have made a KILLING here!

@zekestone: Vlad the impailer approves!

Papa Dieter is gonna' be pissed!

@HideyoshiJP: concur - with or without your touch-ups. Most hideous vehicle on the planet.

@ttech10: @George Lampard: Cap & trade, carbon trading, etc... The theory behind it is valid (entice innovation with +/- cash flow) but as we all know - 99% of businesses are in it for the profits at whatever expense so it's not gonna' work. Rich firms will dole out the pocket change to maintain existing

@ttech10: @salaczar: @djdare: @hexidethoth: @George Lampard: Wow, I have so many fans! I'm flattered! =)'

@BoscoH: smirk... but really, Hannity can teach you only so much, please change the channel.

@hawksfansarah: Hannity does not approve of your shinanigans! I do though! +2

The correct term is "global climate change" But cool tech!

@Channan: The heat-wave's a bitch this year!

@Plex: "Oh, stewardess... could you run by the emergency plan for me please - thanks." Way cool effect!