My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

@RigAudio: why not? Get 500 tiny little burners to be individually controlled! Silly - but plausible!

@RB26Skyline: I don't think I'd be of much use in their fire testing - you see, I don't have much hair on my chest so I'd produce inconclusive results with lack of natural "Tom Selleck" or "Guido" attributes of average owners. My weight to body mass ratio is more suited for speed testing and looking like I own said

I wanna' donate by body to Lamborghini or Ferrari testing only! Can I do that? And take lots of pictures - and post on facebook...

@MushyHeirloom: I had to look for it as well - the hideousness was hard to overcome for me to look too closely - now I pay with it burned into my memory. Time to douche it out with alcohol.

But does it come in hybrid?

This gave an extra set of ideas to urban terrorists (aka kids).

The oldie is an anorexic next to ALL the cars around it - not just its kin' - esp. that white blubber Sumo wrestler Z71 next to it.

I don't think they're stuffed... they're protesting!

@intenseaty: Did you see a timer anywhere as well? I believe your dad was a terrorist - just sayin'. But since it's against Castro - he's deemed a freedom fighter. He'd get a cigar, a handshake, and a new house for all his efforts state-side! Just ask Abdel Baset al-Megrahi...

@sleeping143: thought the same thing! The shear on that shaft must be tremendous! Stand up on the thing - multiplied by the arm length - ooof - that's some serious unnecessary force.

By the look of the sky reflection - seems like there's a polarization action happening. If that's the case, I wonder if the chip sensor altered its shutter speed as it passed that part.

@sixt9coug: The standard 10% church donation requirements then puts this at only 900bhp... may not get to 300 - sorry baby jesus, maybe next time... try the Super Sport a few clicks over...

That's not who you think it is... Adames is a Hispanic leader who fought in the Anglo-Saxon revolution of 1863 against the Nazi's and Lenin.. and Bin Laden. In 1877, he invented PacMan and Galaga (way before computers, I know!) and a little known fact is that he was a hermaphrodite... Truly an inspiration to many!

@sixt9coug: the chute is not for the car - it's for the driver to stay back on earth as baby jesus collects its toy in heaven upon reaching 300mph - baby jesus has standards you know!

@tekdemon: I promote your comment. Unofficially of course.

Toyota and Ferrari need to trade secrets.