My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

Had a 240 (yes, the one with the "learning lesson" carbs) and ALL the original bumper chrome options you could shake a stick at. Lot's of shaking! Anyway - it wasn't 7K... much crack here. Knock off a few K and maybe there's a contender.

@Dunadan: In any process improvement test, you need a baseline to measure up against. This fine gentleman was just measuring the bounce in the non-said-metal. It's because of selfless individuals such as these that we have concrete numbers to prove theory!

at hour 29:30, he realizes he's sitting in someone else's car but declines to vacate due to his finishing up of number two...

I promote this post!

@Dodge2002: you mean... it's illegal? oopsies

And so it continues - today's i7 is tomorrow's Cyrix... I'd go nuts (and broke) trying to keep up with the latest speed/size-deamons.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: just mention the word iPad, Apple, or anything starting with "i" for that matter and Rosa would not only get an extra 50,000 hits on the article but a giz-consortium would be created discussing Steve Jobs' turtle necks and how they could save these people's livelihood (and the world).

now I know what to do with the blue G3 in the basement... throw it out!

Yeah, I think the 8 is too much - sorry power-mongers. For such a tight box, they could have gotten creative with a twin T 6 or something - esp 4 years of work later. What are they, union?

If I had to choose one right now...

21% is totally normal considering the aging population who don't necessarily feel comfy with it (or need it in their lives at this point)

@nootron: considering the frequency of a new model, isn't that the case with everything though? The Quad Core today is the Cyrix of tomorrow - and we wonder why we're so poor.

They may want to check the hormone levels in them food...

This is the first time I see a video of it - the scale - the lines - the birth of so many design cues seen today... This car was etched into my cerebral cortex with my early love affair of everything Countach so I have nothing but adoration for Gandini and Bertone... I'm a groupie, if you will.

@m2m: Looking like that, I don't care even if it ran on unicorn tears - sex on wheels!

I'm torn a little - trying to see both sides as the blogs and facebook statuses gleam with pitchforks and burning stakes. I want even and free internet like everyone else - it's how progress is created and how smaller the world has become because of it.

It's not making the new old... It's more like making the small bigger. Is this a high school project?

glad the 2003 whale-tail is finally gone - but still hohum after seeing what it could be...