My hovercraft is full of eels

Sadly enough, cops rarely bust these "tuners" (we're talking about Hungary). And when they do, fines are a joke. What's even worse: these cars pass the MoT without any problem whatsoever, since MoT stations are just a hotbed of corruption.

Anything that masses with your lights, especially your tail/brake lights.

"If you've ever been in one, you know what I'm talking about."

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Reminds me of rally legend Barna Kőváry (well, okay, he's a legend in Hungary...). He tried pulling as many crazy stunts in his Trabant as possible. Once when he failed and put the Trabi neatly into a ditch (BTW, this happened quite often) toring off the front left wheel, he told his co-driver to sit on the hood to

The XM in Ronin. Not exactly a villain car, but close enough.

Where I live, the police claims (and the media is happy to support them as seen in the video) that around one third of accidents are caused by speeding, making it the primary cause of accidents and fatalities on the road, therefore we need more and more speed traps.

This is probably going to be another unpopular choice: Hit n' Run. It's not a bad movie (rather mediocre) apart from the obvious fact that Dax Shepard made it to:

But Amber Heard... ;-)

Couldn't agree more. Drive is probably the most overrated movie of all time. I have asket numerous people why Drive is soooo great, and the only answers I got were insults about how incompetent I am when it comes to movies.

Oh, one of my favorite movie openings.

The Smart FT in the Pink Panther remake. The movie was crap enough to begin with, but this choice of car... Jesus.

I think the ML-Class Mercs in the sequel were even worse.

A couple of years ago, the mayor of my hometown and his driver were killed in an accident caused by a driver, who was overtaking some trucks in a bend. He got only a suspended sentence, and didn't have to do any time, since the investigation found that both victims would have (most probably) survived, if they had

Instead of the flashlight: headlamp. A couple of years ago I had to change a tire in the middle of nowhere, in rain with no light at all. I had a friend with me, who created some light with the display of our cell phones (yeah, we both had dumb phones at the time, and none of them had a flashlight).

The same with the D1 highway in the Czech Republic. It shakes the car like hell, making driving on it more than annoying.

Sometimes they use this technology in Europe as well (but not very often). For example, the company I worked for built sections of the motorway ring around Budapest, Hungary with this method. That's a very busy road section, and closing it for maintenance sucks, so concrete was a better solution.

They don't. I used to work at a road construction firm here in Hungary. What you see on the video is concrete pavement. We were doing the motorway ring around Budapest using this method (26 cm of concrete in two layers). Where traffic doesn't make it necessary, asphalt pavements are used, which are more sensitive to

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Another one popped into my mind: The rescue from the icy Potomac river after the crash of Air Florida Flight 90.

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How about landing on water. Okay, you'll have to put landing in quotation marks, but it's still impressive, especially considering the bridges nearby packed with spectators.

205 Roland Garros convertible. In addition to the tasty interior and the electric folding roof (we're talking the 80s here!) how cool it is to drive a car named after a legendary fighter pilot.