A shorter version aired on Hungarian TV channel TV2.
A shorter version aired on Hungarian TV channel TV2.
1. Sticking to the inside lane while driving 10-20 mph under the speed limit.
Whatever caused this accidents, some rally fans can be complete assholes. I've seen the "other guy can stand in the no-spectator zone, so I have the right to" attitude in action. This is when the IQ of people suddenly drops 50% and they start to act like some kind of herd.
Some car makers (like BMW) have their own factory first aid kits. If you buy a car that doesn't come with a factory kit, the dealer will usually throw one in for free together with the warning triangle. After all, these are not very expensive things - the two would set you back the equivalent of about 25-30 bucks.
Yeah, many European countries require you to have visibility vests. Strangely enough, most people here in Hungary think you're supposed to have a vest in the car, although there is no such thing mentioned in the official regulations.
Hungary. Or should I say Hoon-gary? :-)
Where I live, you're supposed to have a first aid kit in your car and the relevant law details the stuff the kit has to contain. Some of these items (like sterile gauze, antiseptics) have an expiration date. In recent weeks, the police has been - reportedly - harassing drivers, checking the expiration dates on their…
Now that's why I don't have a stripper girlfriend. That and because I'm ugly and poor. :-)
Long live Czechoslovakian rednecks...