

You say the kid came in every day. The manager said often. So which is it you click bait monster?

Shit foto.

P.S. Brian Ashcraft is the No.1 biggest waste of Internet.

Thank you. For being one of the few to batter the wall of Ashcraft’s daily nonsense.

No. That’s the meaty part of the hand. It’s called a palm. Now put your face in it.

...who adorn themselves in all black.

Why are you translating? It says so in the picture.

A photo of a domesticated deer. Which, at Nara Koen, are as common as the squirrel basterds trying to nick my Taco Bell burrito supreme in the campus commons. Good work everyone. You’ve earned your day’s wage because it’s Japan. (hehe - Brian Ashcraft)

A person plays World of Warcraft. This is news?

8.8 lbs of bean sprouts. Really? I’ve worked in bulk, and a 25 litre garbage bag full of bean sprouts is maybe 5 lbs. Lies lies from tiny eyes.

It will get old. Because this is an old post.

That’s twice in a week you post Chet Baker, one of the most famous jazz musicians, what we all already know. Spend more time on your dorm posters, less time online.

All you do, everyday, is spam other people’s twitter. Brian, do us a living.

Another Japan/Tokyo photo. Never better than a Google search. Never related to gaming. Why even bother? Up the standards or change direction mate.

You are awesome.


Why is this Too Real?

Call it football. Call it soccer. Stick with one and go mate because not one punter cares. Redaction in an article what you wrote is never funny.