
More proof than the Russian collusion that was investigated for a year but that didn’t stop anyone.

It’s on FB marketplace...see if all your snap judgments are correct about the seller.

That old Z looks so good

The FBI has it and Hunter’s lawyer emailed and asked for it back.  Is that not enough proof?

It sounds like the old van was worth replacing the motor

It looks.....retarded.

I love his line “I can afford everything”.

He looks exactly like you would expect him to look

Was crack pipe offensive or something? 

They make a 4 banger silverado...nuff said

Pull what exactly?  sheesh....looks like one of them is in a wheelchair

Such a tiny segment that doesn’t sell well.

I always get excited for these kind of things, then see the near 6 figure price tag and then forget about it until a decade later when that sweet sweet depreciation takes its toll.

I doubt anyone is nostalgic for that thing

Sad that it took a hit and run....this is probably only the tip of the iceberg.

Imagine that being your legacy.

I love libtard retorts like can discredit yourself in about 1 nanosecond plus their hilarious.

Really?  The front end of anything below the limited looks like a large mouth bass.

Really?  The front end of anything below the limited looks like a large mouth bass.