No shit, seriously why was it even mentioned in the article....deceptive journalism.
No shit, seriously why was it even mentioned in the article....deceptive journalism.
Show me one of these STIs being sold for sticker. They come with same seats. Did you actually even bother looking before spouting off?
Me thinks you’re confusing it with the GT350R
I think they put more tech into corrosion prevention in newer trucks than late model trucks.
Where’s your GTI comments?
As if this car that you can buy has any resemblance to the car that did the
Starting price $56,400
Aspen and Vail, Jackson Wy, would be affordable to cheap
Hard to get excited about a 16 year old new car.
Overheat much?
Jeep people will spend their money on even the stupidest things.
Trucks are overbuilt, nearly any one of them should last 200k
Maybe I’m a dreamer.
All a turbo is some blades spinning real fast...
And? The physics are still cool...I guess you’re not a true engineer.
The person knows what it is...that’s half the battle.
Please tell me it’s one is that dumb.
Alternators are badass...converting mechanical energy to electric power.
This car has seen more offroad action than the average new Raptor amirite.
I would love to hear your asinine reasoning.