
you nailed it, you got me.

lol and troll confirmed.

sigh. man. go look up thirst trap on urban dictionary or somewhere, and then think about how that term exists and is defined and then do NOT come back and make any more replies to me about this, it isn’t that serious.

Nope. Sorry. Thirsty meant exactly what I said and the meaning is being broadened through misuse and eventually will mean nothing.

Except how he didn’t.

Pretty sure he didn’t. ‘Thirsty’ is a term used to describe men/women trying too hard to get laid with weird compliments and whatnot.

Is that what I am? Because he misused a slang word, that’s on me? cool.

I can help with Obama. What he & his camp understood, before really any of his opponents, was that messaging is different now. Fireside chats worked way back when, and late night talk show appearances work somewhat, but there are other avenues you have to mine when you’re trying to get a message out. For example, his

he’s just doing that pre-ironic misuse thing that clueless, entitled asshats do:

This is perfect, I hope you read the article right after you made this comment.

I stopped watching The Leftovers. Sure, great character-driven drama. But you can’t tell people the big hook you used to draw them in, you don’t give a shit about and nah you’ll never answer that mystery, here watch how people deal with it instead. People thought they came for character-driven sci-fi.

Former South Floridian here, the reason would be all the old people coming from up north bringing their driving habits that were terrible before senility & poor eyesight, mixed with some of the west indian folk (I’m west indian) bringing what I would characterize as a libertarian approach to traffic laws, mixed with

Kid in the background peeps the brush off with a jaded eye. He hopes that one day he’s famous enough to treat a fan like shit.


yep, it didn’t do well at the box office. But it became a cult classic and has nothing but love now. It has pacing problems, but so does, for example, The Warriors.

This is a fairly decent production but of course it won’t touch the classic. This will make you appreciate how well they translated the original stage-play to the movie.

Man, Spike is so ... lost ... right now. I grew up with this dude speaking from a perspective for my community and I’ve never ever been 100% with him, always have had contention with his methods and his perspective but up until now I could always say I at least mostly understood where he was coming from.

your point is well-taken, but no rule says your sandwich has to be strictly composed only with elements from Thanksgiving dinner. let the pickles and or chips make an appearance!

that is disgusting.

You misspelled Democratic.