I don’’t think their intent is to make the Martians villains so much as to show that no matter the society, the leaders will have factions making terrible decisions for machinations.
I don’’t think their intent is to make the Martians villains so much as to show that no matter the society, the leaders will have factions making terrible decisions for machinations.
I can help!
won’t matter. internet operates like a giant parallel processing machine and isn’t concerned efficiency. It will over-obsess and over-analyze every piece of information it gets and nothing will remain undiscovered even if it is buried in a mountain of dead-ends, false conclusions, and terrible theories. Some trolls…
Well, since I didn’t say that I’m not sure why your observation is a relevant response.
Why would that opinion be unpopular? It’s just your opinion.
I loved Home Movies and like most others, I lost it when I recognized the Brendon character and of course it then clicked that Mara was Melissa. Then I remembered McGuirk and raced to find this review only to discover just how late I am to the omg party. And no Jason???
Um ...
I’ve had a theory for some years now that inside the walls of SyFy, an endless civil war rages for its soul.
I can’t imagine the hell of trying to collect ALL Funko Pops. I have to doubt its even possible.
I can explain.
IF I might strike a discordant note of protest, while I loved Aubrey last season and thought her performance was a breakout, I’m dismayed to know that we’ll be returning to the Shadow King storyline. I felt it had reached a natural break with the next storyline David battling his own power and the organization after…
I don’t see how Venom works unless you have the setup of the symbiote first bonding with Peter, then Peter realizing its nature & drawbacks, and finally rejecting it, establishing its hate for him.
I was all set to disagree with you but I think the characters that possibly might have been on the table are only now becoming relevant given that Marvel had sold off a lot of rights by that time. And depending on the structure of the deal, Sony would’ve probably let it expire and the rights revert back, given the…
I’m unbothered. Can’t fight every battle every film.
Wesley also has a pretty solid action brand and this was right at the end of his action film heyday, so I think a lot of people saw this as a Wesley Snipes action film instead of as a Marvel film, which is how all these movies are seen despite having A-list names.
The discussions I’ve been a part of or lurked on, AAs are cognizant of that possibility but Wakanda is a fictional country and the creators clearly have made every effort to represent any elements they’ve borrowed respectfully, opting for influenced designs where possible.
I won’t fight you. I’LL KILL YOU
What I need is a great laptop for college that is under 1K and not weighted down with crapware.
Don’t forget Channel Zero and 12 Monkeys.