
Having used one, the front touch screen is as responsive as any smartphone. I didn't use any multitouch gestures or the rear touch panel though, so I couldn't tell you about those.

Wait, where's the BIG!?

1 Day = 24 Hours, in my book. Explain.

Aside from your manager occasionally yelling at you to upload a video of you going round a corner at 10mph to YouTube, there isn't anything to irritating with it. The main events do go for the American Festival aesthetic, but aside from the initial Gymkhana tutorial, things are rather British. Scottish Co-Driver (Or

Use protection! ;)

It's both from what I can tell. Jeremy Clarkson is voicing car bios ([] and from ([] you can see the Dunsfold (UK test track) in the background from 40secs onwards (Ford GT) (second trailer on that page). Although the first announce trailer featured Tanner Faust so…

Just going to weigh in, without any patriotic bias (I'm British…)

Metropolis Street Racer - Forerunner to Project Gotham Racing, made by the tragically late Bizarre Creations.

I'm no NHL expert (I'm British, need I say more?), but unless I'm mistaken, The Winter Classic isn't 2v1, is it?

Makes me think Curse of the Wererabbit could have been so much more…

Are PEGI ratings becoming mandatory? It would seem at the moment that 'blockbuster' titles are using BBFC more. By my reckoning, companies/publishers likely use the BBFC label, as it is associated with films, already, adding further confidence to those purchasing it (both in terms of parents contemplating whether or

*many a grammatical and spelling error, is what he was going for, judging by his use of "a many," if you are going to be a dick (don't be) and correct somebody's grammar and/or spelling, at least do it properly.

You're welcome :)