
I am still yet to see an 18 game that is ESRB rated and not BBFC rated, on the cover at least.

Go "Edit" > Check Spelling (it's under the third horizontal divider!)

Just to point it out, Photoshop does have a spell check. It's under the third horizontal divider in the "Edit" menu…

I wholeheartedly agree. My identity and bank funds are infinitely more important that any gaming, be it online or offline. If you're going to discount the breach, why not just discount the whole hardware failure of the 360 and simply judge the colour and shape of the ring?

Except for that your majority is with Stephen Harper, a man determined to make more of an impact on the world than Bush, in a country the third of the size (pop.)

I have to say agree to a degree, certainly my excitement for the NGP has been dampened rather significantly by this. While I hope that Sony will recover from this, the delay for Sony to inform its users as to what had happened is, at best, distrustful and, at worst, highly illegal.

Not if the plans are to stew in a pile of feces and urine

Surely it would be possible à la Forza 3? Actually copying files from a mechanism contained within the disc, as opposed to the system default 'Y' > install method?

Most people can't though, as you need PSN to get the PC/Mac steam copy…

Any other time during the week? No.

I'll happily take your criticism over the lack of imagination, and admittedly confused Starcraft with WoW, but it was inspired by the hours of hardship the seemingly unreliable updater has caused my friends and I, and I did do my best to ensure the 'shop looked as real as possible (although I messed up the shading on

D: My entry wasn't even promoted on the contest thread… :'(

Slightly better version (added foreground updater too)


Xcode 4 remains free for developers (new and existing).

That icon is launchpad, yes.

Just going to go off and burn the MacBook I just watched this on and pretend that nothing ever happened…

It's sad to see half of Liverpool's studios go (maybe a bogus fact, but still…).

Now playing

Can't believe you didn't include the latest (and in my opinion best) Gymkhana…

@Ausl0: Well they did refer to them as sticks not nubsFingers crossed (and thumbs clicking)