Other Tall Guy

“This is just like Helsinki.” Paul F. Tompkins kills.

Ernie even says “the impossible dream” while cheers-ing on the plane.

Random thoughts:

The French song was “The Impossible Dream,” (French title: “Le Rêve Impossible”). The song is from Man of La Mancha, the musical based on Don Quixote. So many knight and squire references!

I think it’s just spelled @lanta.

“I grew up in Chicago... the suburbs, obviously” was the best dig.

The saddest part of all of this is that the show will likely never get to transition from Bortles to Minshew II, who has arguably out-Bortle’d Bortles on every conceivable front. The man’s completion percentage is 69.420% at the moment. It’d work so beautifully...

Later, after unlocking the back garden door, I locked the farmer out of the garden again. This time, Instead of angrily gesturing, he walked all the way around the map. I followed him, honking occasionally to hammer home what I had done. 

There was no objective asking me to replace the package in front of one house with the letter sent to the other house, inconveniencing these neighbors for a brief period long after I go home. But I don’t need to be told how to do my job. 9/10

*honks menacingly*

Fun fact:  that sentence comes with a question mark at the end when Antonio Cromartie says it.

This is an eight on the curmudgeon meter.

And the only team to do it AND LOSE THE CHAMPIONSHIP.

Cam Newton is playing injured and probably has been playing injured for the last 3 or so years. He continued to play, because the Panther’s only other option at that point was...*check notes*...A literal robot who was programmed to throw turnovers and make racial slurs. He didn’t play because he was selfish, he played

There’s something incredibly impressive and admirable when a player overcomes his own recovery and becomes viewed in the context of “just” an athlete, not a “comeback story” or anything of the sort. I would think most athletes vastly prefer the latter to the former; for example Jon Lester is now more well-known as an

It’s way more fun to laugh at Trubisky quarterbacking the Bears.

As usual, AP wasn’t the one hurt by this switch.

Think about it - have you ever seen both of them at the same time?

Gardner Minshew looks like a guy who struts, or at least saunters.

This is not the Jaguars Junction content I was looking for.