Other Tall Guy

And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.

Let’s be honest, if any newspaper was going to let a conservative columnist snort the dust of clutched pearls, it was always going to be the New York Times. 

Never has one man started so many fires and simultaneously tried to feign ignorance to how matches work.

My first thought was take him out* now before he grows up to be a dbag like his brothers and runs for office. This family will be the grift that keeps grifting.

And yet, when asked, Trump claimed that he was still six inches taller than Barron.

Now if he finished the night off with 12 hot dogs, half a dozen cigars and 3 hookers, he'd have equaled the Babe's stats

I really hate when they just drop a show for no reason. Just tell us there won’t be weekly reviews anymore. Is that so hard? Not so much, really.

Nick is laughing at him for his penalties

Well, this very classy goal in the Bundesliga is one thing, but I just don’t think we can ignore the importance of Jozy’s hold-up play.”-a weirdly large segment of American soccer media and probably the USMNT coaching staff.

This guy?:

Really? I could have sworn we were at war with Jenna Elfman just last...

I’ve never met a self-professed “lifelong diehard fan” of any team that wasn’t obnoxious.

Sonya Cassidy should be a huge star.

Nobody can play the game without needing it at some atomic level, because so much of it is about denying that you actually hate a lot of it but can’t give it up.

The only god I believe in is Kirsten Dunst.

I mean, I’m pretty sure a bigger reason is that the Pats won it 15 years ago.

The context is that it is a joke from Parks & Rec.

What is it with Indiana and murals?

“I can’t believe you spent a year with that guy”