Other Tall Guy

I might be in the minority here, but I loved the first John Wick because it was simple. It’s an uncomplicated story: grieving husband loses the one thing humanizing him, then flips out and kills everyone responsible. I loved how the movie hinted at a bigger world—the gold coins, the Continental—but didn’t spend time

Hard not to get swept up in the urgency and the intensity of that scene, especially when it’s on the big screen. No acrobatics, no cleverness—just two people trying hard to kill each other: Max and Furiosa each realize that the main thing standing between them and survival is each other.

This. The writing is SOOOOO spare, which works so well for this film. Furiosa is steely-eyed and practical, and Max is practically feral at times, and the lack of dialogue really does convey how fucking bleak that world is.

“Language! It’s the ultimate high.”

Paul Giamatti’s line reading of that had me falling off the couch.

Yeah, the tossed-off “I went to Stanford” line clued me into that, too. Nice to see Tarquin break character a little when faced with the prospect of a hot-stone massage.

I’d like to think it’s the market punishing all those teams for, frankly, not trying particularly hard, but then, that’d be proof that rich assholes actually get what they deserve, so I’m not optimistic.

Ernie completely bamboozling Beautiful Jeff with helpful advice was fabulous, but it was hard to top the fucking awesome return of Tarquin and Janet .

Watching Sonya Cassidy play off that—just her luck, these two assholes again—and then the twist really was perfect.

Man, I cannot tell you how much I loved the scene with Dud and Head Larry. Right down to Dud’s typical density and Larry’s utter annoyance at it.

Probably The Pacific. Really fucked up and dark and unrelenting and brutally honest—a cool companion piece to Band of Brothers, and one that came out after Iraq and Afghanistan, when we were thinking a lot more about the unseen wounds soldiers bring home.

Between Sancho and Pulisic and Alcacer, that Dortmund team’s so much fun.
It’s a shame Bayern won (rolls eyes, sighs deeply) again.

Watching Tyrion haze Pod is always good for a laugh.

The Brienne scene, man. Just so wonderful to see the show and the characters acknowledge that there’s no one more just, more honorable, and more compassionate than the big woman.

Cap’s always earnest. Waid was one of the first writers to make him cool. That balance was what I loved about the Waid/Garney run.

I’d go with two lines: Erskine’s great monologue about how someone who’s been weak understands the value of strength, and Steve saying simply, “I don’t want to kill anyone. I just don’t like bullies; I don’t care where they’re from.”

That, to me, is Captain America. Not a tough guy or a glory seeker, just someone

Toast to Thor’s arc in Infinity War. All due respect to Chris Hemsworth, who played charmingly dim straight man in Ragnarok and then turned himself into a tragic hero for the next film.

Especially for the scene with him and Rocket, where he starts defiant—”You know, I’m 1500 years old. I’ve killed twice as many

There’s definitely something to that. My wife and I were having that conversation after the show--J&G aren’t bound by convention and that their attempts to bind themselves by convention (a marriage, a wedding ceremony, the typical life, the classic monogamous married couple) because they think it’s what they should do

A kind sendoff from a wonderfully merciless show. One last bow with all the characters we’ve learned to love, and nary a loose end in sight, for that matter—all wrapped up perfectly with “No Children,” which may be the most tonally perfect song for this show.

Folds out, motherfuckers!

Benitez won La Liga, the Europa League, and the Champions League.
Emery won Ligue 1 and the Europa League three times in a row.
Pellegrini won the Premier League.

What exactly has Pochettino won to be somehow ranked above them?

“Tiny Guy is big now. Tiny Guy is big now.”

Thor beating the shit out of Iron Man was SO satisfying. Especially frying everything in his armor and leaving him with some line about “truly seeing the difference between a god and a man in a metal suit.”