
“Some kid probably drew”

We are left wondering about this child discovered in Pompeii.

The dead dinosaur industry gets trillions in subsidies. If we removed subsidies from both gas and electric cars, the electrics would win instantly, both because they’d be cheaper, and they are the superior technology.

Maybe you should look into just how much the fossil fuel industry receives in subsidies each and every year.

Switching sides to the side that finds him ridiculous and racist? Switching sides to the side that has no interest in his xenophobia? Switching sides to the side that doesn’t live and breathe to validate his every inane pronouncement?

If Trump never existed as president and someone wrote a screenplay about a batshit crazy president publicly doing these things, it would get panned as extremely unbelievable. Yet here we are. If I woke up tomorrow and he was in the news for a campaign promise to remove voting rights from women and minorities, it

Like, hey, maybe vote against the side that is constantly scheming to keep you from voting in the first place?’s almost as if he straight up asked the oil and gas industry for $1B dollars and promised to squash EV’s in a publicly stated quid pro quo scheme.

I have to give his arteries credit, they must be made of the strongest material in the universe.

if you’re registered head to a poll (and don’t vote GOP), if you’re eligible and not registerered, register asap. No matter what grief you have with Biden or the dems (and many griefs are legitimate) not voting and not voting dem have short and long term consequences that we can not take lightly. 

Every day I wake up hoping to open the news and see he stroked out and was found face down in his own dirty diaper and every day I’m disappointed. Maybe tomorrow will be the day.

Honestly what is the point of creating a monster if you are able to control it?

I’m glad I decided to read through all of the winners because that’s how I found out that So You Think You Can Dance is still on the air.

Jason Bateman: “I won!”

Way to latch on the headfuckery part of being female. 

Life Hack: Constantly mispronounce “Bagel” in order to quickly identify narcissists who try to correct you.

5 bucks say Hannity and Ainsley have a double sided mirror they shove between themselves while fucking for full enjoyment

Please don’t take this the wrong way. I fully recognize how fast things can get weird when seemingly normal people get outside of their comfort/experience zone, as well as what a pain in the ass it can be to be on the receiving end of that.