
It’s the posture equivalent of his constant smirk. Overcompensation.

His forehead appears to be growing a replacement pair of lips. It’s all good.

Definitely this. At the time there were many stories about the two of them fighting on set, and Willis treating her like an extra, that he didn’t take anything seriously and was disrespectful of her and the crew.

Hey, her love tank was low.

“Under the Gunvalson”


That is a lovely photo of any major street in Minneapolis.

“Travel the world, question authority, love fearlessly. You’ll still end up eating here, so give up now.”

Fingernail claustrophobia is real.

It puts the fragrant lotion on its skin, or it goes to hell for not submitting to its brother-husband.”


Or some worthy Grammy winner!

The reason Luke almost died is that it was a Friday, and God was really busy that day, showering favor on the high school football teams who had prayed the showiest.

Once, I met a cowrker’s husband for the first time, and as I shook his hand, he said with great conviction, “Our son is in theater, and Laura and I think that’s great.”

But truly, it’s a terrible thing for a man to have his load disrespected.

Yup, I guarantee at no point will anyone think anything other than all involved deserve each other.

I looked and looked, but I cannot see any sign of actual butt there. That is one flat ass.

Why does Oliver Hudson look like The Cowardly Lion in that image?