

Disapproving of clapping during songs is almost enough to make me join a religion. Hell, even a cult.

He’s... not charismatic in the least little bit. 

Oh, please. His notion of Radical Inclusion is ludicrous. It’s the Church of “How do you do, Fellow Kids?”

You’re 53-62% welcome. Some exclusions may apply. Void where bigoted. 

Snake-obeying, apple-devouring, undermining, unapologetic harlot.

You just make me sad.

I was really astonished and saddened at no mention of (late) former cast member Danitra Vance.

I really thought I hated everybody, but I hate everybody except Marlee Matlin.

And men using women’s restrooms!

When I was about fourteen, and my sister was about twelve, my mom pestered and guilted us into decorating Christmas cookies, and we grudgingly complied. My mom put too much red food coloring in the red icing, and it looked like blood, so my sister scrawled a bloody “HELTER SKELTER” on a cookie. We thought it was

The boots are Doc Martens: they do different artists series a couple times a year. These are about four years old.

Thanks. Christmas before last, I made a Bosch umbrella, tote bag, and backpack for a dear friend. Her Mardi Gras costume last year was the embodiment of Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights. These are horrible, low res images, from artscow.

This, precisely. She knows better. Unlike Trump, she’s not delusional. She just chose her shitty gods, and is serving them out of meanness, bigotry,  and spite.

I am going to say something good about Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Now I kinda want an omelet.

Now I kinda want an omelet.

I connected the moles (and those were just the ones I could see.)

I connected the moles (and those were just the ones I could see.)

If she’s genuinely smitten with him, she’s even worse than I thought. 

Her scenes were probably shot against a green shower curtain in her bathroom, via FaceTime.