“Kristy Wolfe (Charlotte Beckett) is a Brussels private eye descended from werewolves who must go to work when her uncle Harry Goldtsone is murdered in a politically-motivated attack.”
“Kristy Wolfe (Charlotte Beckett) is a Brussels private eye descended from werewolves who must go to work when her uncle Harry Goldtsone is murdered in a politically-motivated attack.”
So help me, if he runs, I will mysteriously threaten to disrupt his daughter’s wedding.
Rafi, would you consider ungreying me? You were my ungreyer last time. I am civil beyond reason, and if you peruse my comments, they are usually either useful or mildly entertaining. I am too mundane to be this excluded. : /
Once, when I was way behind in my mortgage payments, Wells Fargo was nice enough to offer me four clothes. They were really almost pushy about it.
It seems like the best possible immediate solution, and if there wasn’t an immediate solution (ideally, as well as future attempts to resolve the problem more organically) there’d be complaints about inaction, too.
What you’re describing makes it a really valuable feature for Spotify, too: they can now gather data on which artists they are unknowingly force-feeding to their audience. Stronger an act than than skipping, muting indicates an avid dislike, rather than impatience or fickle moods. No change like this is made without…
I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that I was confused about the definition. That’s one, certainly.
I’d love it if the next time Giuliani is doing one of his spitty, demented whiplash appearances on cable news, if they asked him to define “the Deep State” that he’s railing against. Tell him he can have three uninterrupted minutes to define with nuance exactly what it is (as long as he sticks to the question, which…
80’s SNL. Nathan Thurm, skeezy attorney:
Great. So when you have the cash in your hands from the trade deal, you can have a wall. Until then, try saving up your allowance, or doing more chores.
I would give all of my mint condition vintage Partridge Family trading cards (even the green border series) if someone, anyone would ask the same question of Trump at the next opportunity with a camera running:
I like the camouflage pattern on his pants. It’s like he’s ready to hide in turkey*, mashed potatoes, and gravy.