
No, you’re unconstitutional. You are. No, you are.

Why, they are Lord and Lady Shiplap, Purveyors of Pithy Wall Demands (“Eat, Love, Pray,” “Family,” “Enjoy!”) and Aww, Shucks Billionaires of the Prosperity Bible Movement. They hawk the comfort food equivalent of interior “design” and feel the Lord has Singly Blessed their Endeavors. Also, they are into crazily oversiz

Thanks! I got to make shit, all the damn day long. : )

Thank you! The menu on the blackboard is from the Chinese restaurant my (Czech, immigrant) grandmother worked in, in the late 1940s. Found it on eBay. It was the first Christmas in my 100+ year old house, and we ate very well. Here are some more photos.


Some of us don’t have kids, and tbh, Macy’s lobby isn’t good enough for me. One year, my theme was Edward Hopper Chinese Restaurant Christmas.

Embedded Instagram posts don’t load in my browser (that’s what she said) presumably because of my adblocker, so sadly this entry is almost entirely white space, accompanied by seething commentary. Only, get this: Chip and Joanna’s IG post did load.


Can’t we just tell him the wall was finished? Since he believes it’s partially finished anyhow?

My, what a long neck tie you have.

Uh huh.

Well, Megyn Kelly is available, and she has all the important qualification*. 

These days, when I read an opinion that’s reasonable, it almost kind of hurts. 

The fuck is he even trying to say?

“...somewhere in Russia.”

I volunteer.

Can you imagine the sulfurous wheeze that emanates from this hellish maw?


How about a musical Frasier reboot?