
Yeah, you nailed it. I said “ick” because she wants to raise her son. I am anti-child raising. Your ability to ferret out the real issue is... well, nonexistent.

Ick all over the place. In every direction. Just ick. Go away.

“I dare say, Katherine...”

Man, That High Castle.

Mine is $750 a month, with a thousand dollar deductible. So I cancel you out. 

“There are lots of guys more hated than me now.”

It feels like I watched the last season of The Man In The High Castle somewhere around 1987. Like they’d have to recast with younger, lookalike actors at this point.

Literally the definition of “confirmation bias.”

He once opined that the two funniest words in the English language were “crack whore.”

Thao is amazing. I saw her at the Cedar Cultural Center in Minneapolis, and there were a handful of kids present there too, and they lost it when she banged away on a big drum like a madwoman. I’ve never seen kids cut loose and dance like that, but I certainly understood it. Full-on Snoopy glee dancing. She is just a

If she was a good woman, she’d have busted out the myrrh.

We’ll get there!  

❤️ That exchange convinced me that the Hartleys smoked weed.

He was adorable as Howard Borden. (Who had a brother, Warden Gordon Borden: shades of The Rural Juror, and Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog.)

Doesn’t look like Matt Damon, tho.

Roaches panic and scurry in the light. It’s the nature of creatures who delight in filth. Simple as they are though, they never deny being roaches.

Be real. Sometimes bee be bad.

Indeed, how is be?