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    She did apologize many times. What she did was defend him saying he did not commit a felony. That was the legal issue of import. Threatening to kill someone is not protected speech. I do not know the reason why the two judges said it was not a terroristic threat, but that is what they ruled. 

    Because those are the facts. You are allowed to defend and even pay for a lawyer for your minor son. This should not get someone demoted.

    While it is true that rights protected by the First Amendment are not magically lost when one steps upon school property, “neither teachers, students, nor anyone else has an absolute constitutional right to use all parts of a school building for unlimited expressive purposes.” Connecticut State Federation of Teachers

    Hey dumbass, you probably should stop reading about the laws on the back of Capn Crunch boxes. Your contention only covers private employers not governmental entities. She has protections for her speech as long as she is not making terroristic threats. 

    Actually you are wrong. If she worked for a private employer you would be correct. She works for a governmental entity and thus does have 1st amendment protections. 

    Your line of reasoning is simply wrong. Two judges dismissed arrest warrants for the son finding no felony occurred. (DeKalb County the most liberal county in the state), the State Board of Education (not the most liberal in the nation) dismissed his year long suspension because no felony occurred. The allegations of

    Which she did not do. She stated that the statements of her son were not “serious” and were a joke. I do not think it was simply a joke, but the courts in extremely Democratic DeKalb County ruled twice that it was not a felony and the charges were dropped. So you are literally wanting to punish her for stating her son

    Your position is the position used by Stalin to send relatives of political prisoners to the Gulag for failing to denounce their family members. 

    it was not much of a defense. she has apologized repeatedly over this. the comments quote in article relate to her defense that he did not commit a felony, which 2 judges in a very liberal county (DeKalb-which won the election for Ossoff and Warnock) ruled. 

    guess what, a parent is allowed to defend their child from claims he is going to kill some of his classmates. 

    so the 1st amendment no longer applies to government workers? 

    she is probably going to win. 

    she was not transferred she was demoted. would we want to have our employment and job opportunities affected by a relative’s conduct? that does not seem like a good idea to me. 

    This makes total sense. And the fact that you have the skills to maintain it is huge. Classic cars are awesome, and I really was wanting to figure out why. I ended up buying a 2021 Subaru Crosstrek and have taken it off road, something I always wanted to do and it was a blast. (with three kids the Miata seemed a

    ten stars

    Not that the earlier Honda Civic was amazing, but there has never been an uglier design change then the current Civic. It is aggressively the ugliest thing on the road and seems to be happy with this. What is strange is that this monstrosity is from Honda that generally seems to be practically reactionary in its

    Very interesting viewpoint. Certainly makes sense, i.e. the timing of the rise of the Latin American evangelic churches. 


    This debate is honestly interesting. If one will recall the Catholic church in Latin America, especially in the 1980s and liberation theology. Basically local priests were arguing for material gains for the poor in their nations as being part of the gospel. The Vatican basically said no, any stress on material gains

    Driving with my son the other day a beaten up Roadmaster drove by. I said that is the car of dreams.