
Executive package’ is $24k!! Hell, I could almost hire an executive for that.

What an unmitigated shitshow.

Show the court on the teddy bear where Jalopnik hurt you.

1000% disagree.

Can confirm, I grew up in the punk and metal scene. We looked out for each other in the pit, even in the hardest of the hardcore shows. You’re going to take a bump, but I never saw anyone left on the ground for more than a second.

Yea, it'll end up living as a burnout machine crushing the competition. I still love it. 

Wheelbase is 10 inches longer than a normal TJ, and most of the tallness is a body lift that doesn’t raise the center of gravity very much. Adding the weight of that motor and the swapped axles really moves the CoG down quite a lot.

Sometimes the world just seems right.

Short wheelbase.


He, in all quantitative and qualitative measures, is a worse receiver than someone like Mike Evans of the Bucs. Yet Mike Evans never gets called otherworldy, while OBJ gets this lofty title as though he’s Randy Moss or Terrell Owens.

The reality is that, at his best, OBJ would’ve been another Tim Brown, Steve

This is literally the road to burning man. Not that hard to off road.

Taco-squat in the press photo, classic.

White people don’t even get that riled up from blatant murders of white people by the police so I don’t see them giving a fuck about the number of police murders that happen in Black neighborhoods. As long as they think the police are there to protect them and they are willing to sic the guns on Black people for

Jay is on a roll today with this and the article about Kobe Bryant that talks about money he’s making without bother to note that, well, he raped a woman and then ruined her reputation.

The fact that people do shitty things does not excuse one doing the same. How utterly childish.  That girl burned to death and pointing this out somehow in your mind turns into an admonishment of white people.  And then you make a “joke” about how it was her fault?  What the fuck is wrong with you?  Do you go to

The promising career of Las Vegas Raiders receiver Henry Ruggs III has taken a tragic detour.”

Interesting that we are to believe that he didn’t touch the student based on our bias. I’m not saying he did. He most likely didn’t but I have no way of really knowing.

However, the left has a history of an accusation equaling guilt. Here though, because he’s black and the student is white, we are supposed to suspend

You want to point to a styling masterpiece that the Japanese can swell with pride over, this is it.  Period.

ok, fine, you fixed the orientation of the Wright Flyer but there are many more issues.

We also produced the most presidents, however they were all pretty meh.