The way she says “yeah” with a breathy voice is what cracks me up before they go outside after she sees the matching watches.
The way she says “yeah” with a breathy voice is what cracks me up before they go outside after she sees the matching watches.
This is simply insanely patronizing.
This sort of feels like a Wake to me. Putting all those parts in the ground. Your travelogue adventures are fantastic reads by the way. (I am saying this so your employer will keep sending you on cool trips).
Here is my problem with this article. Nothing in it suggests that the killer did so because he is white and the victim is black. It would be relevant if the killer said I killed her because she is black and I want to teach her a lesson. But as it it, its simply click bate. I thought we had moved away from identifying…
The problem with your analysis is that it is primarily Democrats that are concerned about having the Secretary of Defense as a civilian.
This race is nasty. My problem with Warnock is that he is a Reverend. We have too much religion in politics as it is. Someday we will actually be a secular nation. This does not help.
“The most diabolical act, however, was the attempt to relax COVID restrictions when early reporting revealed that Black and Brown lives, as well as Black-owned businesses, were being disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Was this a willful act of human and corporate genocide against people of color?”
out of state for OSU is 75k at least that is what I have heard
No I do not, we generally do not bail out people for bad choices, (only gigantic banks)
Actually Generation X, worst name ever.
No there will be less and less people. They will see it is a scam and not go to these colleges.
The state I am in gives aid based on GPA. Its funded by the lottery, talk about regressive taxation. Prey on the dreams of the poor to pay for college for the middle class.
Simple solution do not go to a private college. Most states without much effort kids can get practically full rides for a state school.
I’m sorry but this will not help out at all. The whole reason college is so expensive is because of government backed student loans. An average college (lets say Ohio State) costs something like $75,000 a year. This is insane. But guess what, if Ohio State had to all of a sudden compete with other schools for students…
The coolest thing about this is the play by play! They do not know how to do car chases in Atlanta. It would just be someone saying get out of the way, but this has analysis in real time.
Many times.
Here is the simple problem with this author: “Nationally, preliminary numbers indicated that 26 percent of Trump’s voting share came from nonwhite voters — the highest percentage for a GOP presidential candidate since 1960.” The only group that he lost votes with from 2016 is white men. So how is it that the white…
1. I wish I was a robber baron and could afford this car.
This is totally mental, and a disgrace. Regardless of whether Hitler said it or someone else, “The very first essential for success is perpetually constant and regular employment of violence,” should never the the ideology of a law enforcement officer. And yes because it is Hitler it is even more of an outrage.