Definitely by the time LBJ rolled around Blacks were by a vast majority Dems, but the change really started with FDR.
Definitely by the time LBJ rolled around Blacks were by a vast majority Dems, but the change really started with FDR.
Anyone know whether he can bring a Habeas Petition in Federal Court? I have been looking to see if any such petition has been filed. That would get this case out of the obvious ass backward Louisiana state courts.
Allow me to be pedantic, but Blacks were pretty solidly Republicans until FDR came around.
David, you really need an intervention.
This life sentence is barbarity. Plain and simple. I need to read Justice Bryant’s dissenting opinion in its entirety but it seems dead on. Nothing further can really be said. I have serious doubts that a petition to US Supreme Court arguing 8th amendment violation would even be granted cert.
Interestingly Jamaica’s constitution protects religious freedom. So the case might have turned out different if the girl argued it was religious. (see for example Sikh students allowed to wear “small” turbins in Indian schools). But the fact that it should pass Constitutional muster for religious reasons but not for…
I thought I would be the only one to make it this far. I have an 03 and an 18 model. They are war horses.
Especially white males, that is why their suicide rate is higher then women who are more likely to take pills and thus more likely to survive.
I think that you are correct and I have said it before, fights with knives, etc. will kill people, but it is more likely that you will survive. Interestingly, near then end of the Soviet Union the number one murder weapon was glass bottles. (previously filled with vodka).
Your article has many good points, but the study you link to says nothing to inherent rates of homicide by various groups. It makes the more bleak argument that people who kill do so because they think otherwise they will be killed.
Except Communism as we know it came into existence in the 19th century and Burke is from the 18th century. Not turning it into “the communist third world country” is not the basis of Conservatism. Now, if you were to argue that Conservatives were against the French collectives of the 1840s your argument would have…
Yes I read it. And I cannot believe anyone would be comfortable with the idea definite timelines is white behavior and thus black people are only punctual as a result of living in a “white” society.
No it is supposed to be what white people think and believe and that these things are somehow inherently white behavior,
This is spot on. Social science is not science. It is more akin to an art form or a practice. It has many things its practitioners can tell us, but it is not the same thing as the experiments that detected gravity waves to such great fan fair in recent years. What makes me laugh is that many on the left accuse the…
I think you are conflating two separate things. right wing politics, i.e. Nazi Party in Germany is on the right end of the political spectrum but it was not conservative. It was revolutionary, up ending the church, pagan institutions, challenging the old Prussian General Staff, all revolutionary.
its on the second page, you have to actually “click” on the twitter tweet and you get the page about time and shit.
A conservative is appropriately defined as a person or institution that wants to maintain that which has worked in the past. Edmund Burke is the philosophical guiding light to this movement. One need only study why he supported the American Revolution and turned on the French Revolution, and your question is…
Literally the scientific method is the very definition of objective.
Is literally no one embarrassed that “objective rational linear thinking”