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    That is such a classic look. No idea why the stepped away from it.

    but saying that is not going to cause a pogrom against white people. so it is harmless nonsense from an ignorant person, but the statements about jews does create pogroms and worse.

    That’s horrible. Sorry for your loss and the pain it caused. Its unfortunately way to common. I wish people that wanted to get physical about a disagreement would keep the guns at home. In my line of work (attorney) I have seen way to many nice kids and young adults throw away their victim’s life and their life for a

    You just got dunked on by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Can you now agree your column was way out of line and disgusting?

    No wrong, he does not espouse anti-semitism. Anti-semitism is categorically wrong, calling out white people is not.

    Sorry this is utter nonsense. He was not fired for saying things about white people. He was fired for anti-semitic statements. You are conflating the two and that makes no sense and I think you know this. There is literally no excuse to mitigate anti-Semitism that you know, caused the death of 6 million people. This

    do you want a gun fight at stone mountain? you are playing into the fantasies of all extremists. the toothless neanderthals would love it i am sure. 

    To believe there would not be a reaction, hence the term “reactionary” is naive. 

    It is so amazing. A true American original and intellectual giant.

    They convert the very name of religion into an engine of tyranny, and barbarous cruelty, and serve to confirm more infidels, in this age, than all the infidel writings of Thomas Paine, Voltaire, and Bolingbroke, put together, have done!”

    You are King for the day with this mighty bounty. 

    The problem for Paul Howard stated last week that a taser is a lethal weapon.

    I agree re: taser not (generally) not lethal (though sometimes it causes heart attacks). I predict if this goes to trial the defendant will argue he did not know if he had taser or may have taken partner’s gun. 

    While that may be true, but based on this decision it can now be argued an officer has a duty to count how many shots are taken from any fire arm, which would require the officer to identify the gun’s make and count shots, and whether there was a bullet in the chamber to start with. I think this is an “over charge” by

    Seriously, if the city that has hired the police tells the police that there will not be a police department in a year is this really surprising? I’m going to make a wild guess that they are looking to find jobs in other municipalities. 

    That cannot possibly be legal or safe. 

    You cannot tow a car with someone in it. 

    Watch the video, the guy did grab it and try to fire it. Still does not exonerate an officer killing this guy who did not seem to be a threat to anyone except himself due to his intoxicated state.

    George Tanner cannot even get his Amendment correct. They are not taking your guns today, just “your” despicable flag. 

    Isn’t it true at it is better late then never?