Do tell what is the “appropriate” response to JR beating the shit out of someone damaging property.
You are completely wrong. What is “context” of destroying private property? Hey man, we are protesting on this street, there is a parked car, lets kick in the windows! Cool, because it has context. Or hey lets not kick in the windows of this car, it is parked half a block away from the protests, so the context would…
1. B.S. He was saying it would be perfectly fine to damage my car if I parked it near the protest. (Although watching the video with lots of people running about I do not even believe it was far away from the protest). You describe a protest as “an act of god” accidental damage? really jumping on car or lighting it on…
Damn! That is one hell of a burn.
So confused about J.R.’s statement. He complains that his car is not near the riots. Does that mean if he had parked near the riots then kicking in his windows would be ok? Frankly that seems to be a nonsensical factor for deciding when cars are a fair target to damage. Contrarily, and probably-though I doubt JR would…
I agree, what ever the cause of death, laying on his neck for 8 minutes or 1 minute for that matter is never acceptable.
? what are you even talking about?
Its not whether he is wrong or right about Hong Kong (I think he is wrong). What was so offensive about it was that he took the position that it was not even proper to have an opinion that opposed the Chinese Government. Basically, LeBron took the position that China pays me a ton of money so other people need to shut…
I am more than dismissive of the INA. It was a Japanese aligned movement with almost no support in India during World War 2 and only became a cause during their trials for treason. Yes Protest with violence is often effective, but it is the violence of the police that makes it so, not the violence of the protesters.…
Meanwhile LeBron wants to make sure no one affiliated with the NBA embarrasses him by mentioning Hong Kong.
It was insane how violent the British were.
Violent protests to British rule never worked in India. Non violence is what shamed the British to leave (along with FDR letting Churchill know that WW2 was not going to be fought to save the empire). Another example is the hunger strikers in Ireland, this worked in ways that blowing up pubs never did.
Counter point Gandhi. Or are you saying 20th century India was not modern?
You are 100 percent right. (I would like to believe it is not the majority of the people doing this-so call me naive). It is counterproductive. When this is over do not expect the national grocery chain to come in and build on the ruins.
Some are protesting, some are rioting, some are looting. But yes breaking the windows of a police precinct is a protest. Burning down AutoZone not so much.
It is unfortunately true, however. From a tactical standpoint (i assume protesters are being rational) the question has to be what works best? Total non violence of the Gandhi method or will actual damage to property make society reject this type of policing so it does not happen again. I represented a 21 year old who…
You are like royalty or something.
This answers the contradiction of why white GOP voters like Trump so much v. other white candidates for the GOP nomination in 2016.