classic quote.
classic quote.
Is this really necessary? Does anyone actually believe the nonsense they read on FB, etc. of this nature?
This truck is awesome, how strong is a welded frame like this?
Then why did you say on 3/11 at 6:17 that you did not find the comment objectionable? You admit that you did in your 3/13 post that it was objections, i.e. “a specific call out” clearly indicates you thought it was objectionable. And you now have given the reason you find it objectionable. That was my whole question…
Your comment clearly objected to the post. Specifically that unless you comment about “all the stories about black suffering” you should not comment about this Gassett person. Its the mirror image of whatabooutism when ever a white person cannot deal with story about say a white police officer shooting a black person…
Would you pay more than $500 for any currently running Saturn?
I actually wanted to vote for Yang. But the point remains, Sanders is losing because people do not want to vote for him. Again I doubt that most voters vote by comparing all the different positions on policy. People vote for who they want to vote for.
How is wingz4eva a/k/a Usain Bolt fan’s comment in anyway objectionable?
No one is praising him. Nothing worse then making up an analogy like this.
Down with P & G!
Sanders problem is he has been running for President for the past six years and not enough people like him. Elections are pretty much that simple, those that bother to vote will generally vote for someone they think they like at some level. Forget all the policy plans, etc. That is window dressing. What matters is the…
Wait he is still alive?
That car is gorgeous.
I doubt anyone buying this car has to decide between paying the mortgage or buying the car.
I drive a 10 year old Civic. I assure you this works for me.
It looks good.
There is nothing moral or immoral about this. Its simply stupid to do. Whether you believe in Kantian ethics or hang on to some metaphysical rules to live by, nobody in this transaction is acting immoral. The purchaser of the car that defaults defaults and the lender has a remedy. The second lender is not forcing…
Nothing made me laugh more than seeing someone actually drive (and presumably buy) one of these pieces of crap back in the 80s, that I think were supposed to challenge BMWs’ E30.
Its called hyperbole, its a funny line in the article that makes the point that it seems that amenities usually get spruced up once gentrification starts.
This is what drives me crazy about the issue of gentrification. I totally get the situation when renters that cannot afford to pay rent that has jacked up ridiculously, but generally whether a person wants to sell their property at a much higher amount then it was bought why is this a problem? Great point about the…