I LOVE those Circle windows in the back.
I LOVE those Circle windows in the back.
Moby Dick is a straight up classic.
Truly makes no sense. It is obviously a terrible idea. Surely this was not one crazy employee’s idea to celebrate the month, i.e. it took at least 2 people to think this was some great idea for to get this far, like alternate covers on your favorite Batman Comic.
I own a 2019 Odyssey and a 2003 Odyssey that my kids drive around in. Great vehicles. Never felt the need to buy a off roader to drive the kids to soccer practice.
Some judges even do the pledge at the beginning of Court.
I would have lost my mind.
Child labor quite common until 1930s. I suppose it is possible that some schools are all about mediocrity, though I have never experienced it.
its weird just like the pledge of allegiance is weird. i hate all that forced patriotism stuff, just creeps me out.
Yes, he was a slave owner. Yes, he was elite. But that does not change the purpose of education, public or otherwise. The only legitimate purpose of education is to train the next generation of leaders. I literally have no idea what school districts you are even thinking of where the goal is to graduate unthinking…
Nope, as stated by Jefferson:
Of course I took an extreme position. Because truth can only be revealed by standing up any thesis to the most difficult case. And I did not say test scores, and solely focused on grades because I am aware of the many many studies re: the application of test scores and what they actually score. But I do not think…
So grades are simply the game? a person with a 4.0 did not learn any knowledge, only how to play the system? So a kid with a 0.0 grade point average is as likely to be more intelligent then a 4.0 student as that person is to be less intelligent. Then why do we go to school? According to you the only important thing is…
My kids go to or prior to graduation went to school that is 64% white and 21% black, which is desegregated. But what you list as academic advantages are not. Complementing a person for being comfortable with different races sounds totally paternalistic. Congrats, she is not afraid to talk to a black person. But back…
“integrated schools have significant academic and social benefits for low-income students and kids from under-resourced neighborhoods, and for more advantaged students.” what are the academic benefits for “more advantaged students?”
This is a weird ass post. drinking the kool ade
I fully agree with you. That is all that I can think of.
In my law practice I have represented some very mentally ill people. Its really hard on everyone, especially their family and friends. The cycle that I have faced is the person hits bottom like this video, they then are hospitalized and take their medicine, leave hospital and are good for awhile then stop taking the…
That is a Mighty Beast. Makes me want to feast upon Meats and Cheese.
What a a pice of sh!t. Unfortunately in this case unless he is violating a sign ordinance the First Amendment allows this buffoonery.
Very interesting article, thanks. Mandatory minimums are hard to get around.