
Yet more evidence, as if any were needed, that boats are the devil. As a young man I owned a small sailboat, and I spent at least three hours maintaining it for every hour I spent sailing it. Today, even after all these years, I still refer to myself as a recovering boat owner.

You can’t blame Ted Cruz for being a moron; it’s in his nature. The fault lies with the voters of Texas, and more generally the entire country, for repeatedly electing morons like Cruz and sending them to Congress. The fault is ours.

“The contradictory nature of the U.S. Air Force bureaucracy...”

They need to build in a tv remote.

They need to build in a tv remote.

I love posts like this. From the time I was six I went to school or work five days a week, and plenty of times six or even seven days a week. After fifty five years of that I’m retired. Now every day is Saturday.

Sacrilege! The Beatles 1964 performance on the Ed Sullivan Show was a cultural touchstone, the beginning of The Sixties™ as a social phenomenon. I was 15 at the time, and it was the greatest thing I or any of my 80 million closest friends had ever seen. It changed everything.

Weegee was a force of nature. Arthur Fellig (1899-1968) earned his nickname working in a darkroom where he used a squeegee to help dry prints. He worked as a freelance crime photographer, often beating the cops to the scene. He had a police-band receiver in his car at a time when that was illegal, and kept a large

When I was a kid learning to drive in the early ‘60s parallel parking was the bête noir of the driving test; I practiced for weeks. Now the cars do it for you all by themselves.

Woodstock in ‘69 was also a mess. Poor planning, bitter opposition by local residents, screwed-up signing and transportation of talent, 150,000 expected when 400,000 showed up, massive traffic jams, overwhelmed facilities, threats to send in the National Guard, short-circuited audio systems, rain, mud, and bad acid.

Tim was truly great and will be sorely missed. However, in our grief at his loss let’s not forget Harvey Korman, quite possibly the greatest straight man who ever lived. He and Tim were the funniest comedy team ever, and they weren’t even team; it all just kind of happened. Harvey’s up there in Second Banana Heaven

Back in the roaring ‘80s Japanese entrepreneurs were mining 20,000 year old glacial blue ice and selling it to Tokyo fat-cats to pour their whisky over for $100 a cube.

The game in the video is not an authentic, period game. My kids had Mall Madness back in the day, and when you plugged the credit card in the cha-ching was someone saying “Cha-Ching”, not the cash register sound effect. I remember it vividly.

“...a simulated radar screen tracker map...”

MST3K 515 The Wild Wild World of Batwoman*, a memorably bad movie even by MST3K standards.

I tried really hard to like this show, but I just couldn’t. The humor and character chemistry almost, but never quite clicked. It was a noble effort that didn’t quite work.

And while you’re at it, download Overdrive. It lets you borrow ebooks and audiobooks from your local library. You can even read the ebooks on your Kindle; it’s basically magic.

A viking funeral for me, thanks.

Because it’s not “time”, it’s a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff.

Back in the ‘70s a friend of mine was a corporate pilot who often shuttled executives between DC and Denver. He made a pretty extra penny by loading up with Coors when eastbound, and Rolling Rock westbound.

Fun fact: The title of this post is a riff on the famous 1956 Hitchcock film The Man Who Knew Too Much. It features a naive man (Jimmy Stewart) who becomes enmeshed in a spy caper. It was one of Hitch’s wrong man films, and one of the best. He also made another movie of the same name in 1934, but the plot was