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Reader’s guide for young people: the title of this post is a riff on Gil Scott-Heron’s 1970 proto-rap song The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.

- attributed to Andy Warhol.

“...observe small spherical objects flying in formation.”

Rami will do a great job, but we’ve already had the perfect Bond villain. Christoph Waltz just exudes evil.

It’s even worse than that. I’m old, and watched TOS in first run on TV.

Umm... let’s run the numbers on this. It takes 400 crew members to operate a Constitution-class starship. This includes some experts like Scotty who still have to work pretty hard to keep the damn warp engines working. Can a handful of untrained kids really get a matter-antimatter reaction going, regulate it with

“blow-up tanks, fake radio transmissions and noise machines to deceive the German forces, making them believe that, among other things, armies were in certain positions where, in actuality, no armies were even close.”

I take your meaning here, but in fact the spontaneous decay of atomic nuclei is truly random; the decay of a particular nucleus cannot be predicted, even in principle.

Netflix once joked that they were going to create a new membership plan that only allowed people to search titles, not actually watch them.

“ levying a tax on the ultra-rich.”

Indeed, it was a conscious decision and cost Pierce Brosnan his role as Bond. The proximate cause was Mike Meyers; the producers felt they couldn’t do humor any more because it would just look like Austin Powers.

Sorry, spray tanning is very déclassé these days.

In 1995 was in the airport at Oshkosh WI for the big airshow. The concourse was crowded, and there was a bit of jostling. After one pronounced jostle, I turned and found myself nose to nose with Buzz Aldrin. I was too taken aback to speak, and he just smiled and turned away. Not saying hello to the old moon walker is

The web site lets you compare yourself to others on a range of factors like income, net worth etc. You can compare yourself overall, or by age, education, etc.

“...pleas to be consumed.”

“...cooling your system with scary, parts-destroying liquids.”

“...since 1997, populations of raccoons in the Everglades had dropped 99.3 percent...”

It can’t top Fry’s All Purpose Spray.