
The very idea of the government giving money to citizens is anathema to Republicans. In their view government money is only for the military, and their corporate friends. US taxpayers are still subsidizing tobacco and oil.

I visited an oil rig once in the ‘80s; it happened like this. We were in Houston consulting with some oil guys on a communications problem. They were lunching us at their private club, where we were served delicious southern food by African-American waiters dressed exactly like lawn jockeys... but I digress. We

I saw that movie. Great... now something else to worry about!

“... a “fully autonomous Heron flying the entire airplane...”

Now playing

Kong: Skull Island. An ok monster movie, but a kick-ass trailer. I especially like how they synced the action with the trailer soundtrack, The Animals’ 1965 classic We Gotta Get Out Of This Place, which does not appear in the movie itself. Great stuff.

“As for fighting in space, that’s the exclusive domain of science fiction.”

Fusion was demonstrated at the 1964 New York world’s fair; I was there, and saw it. There was a big narration buildup about how great it would be, then a brief flash of light. It was indeed a demo of “pinch fusion”; true fusion, but horribly inefficient. Amateurs are building small fusion reactors in their basements,

Cold fusion worked; it was just discredited and buried by Big Oil™.

In for a penny, in for a pound. If you’re going to cut your hair at home, just give up and get a Flowbee. I’ve used one for years, but full disclosure: I’m old, and I don’t care how I look.

In for a penny, in for a pound. If you’re going to cut your hair at home, just give up and get a Flowbee. I’ve used

My mother died at 88, but was not actually sick; no cancer, no heart disease etc. I asked her hospice doctor why this was happening, and he said she had GOAD. I asked him what that was, and he said “Got Old And Died”.

What the heck is up with Mandy’s house/apartment/hovel? He’s a rich, famous movie star; the internet says he’s worth ten million bucks. So why the déclassée digs? Looks like my first apartment when I was 22.

Scientists have revived microbes found deep beneath the seafloor in 100-million-year-old sediment... “

One of the most overlooked issues is the guitar’s action, the height of the strings above the frets. Too high and it’s very hard to play, especially for beginners, and too low the strings buzz against the frets. Low-cost guitars often have high, difficult actions. Denny Zager of Zager Guitar makes and modifies guitars

One of the most overlooked issues is the guitar’s action, the height of the strings above the frets. Too high and

Aluminum foil:

Back in the days of analog over-the-air tv we had these. We called them “Rabbit Ears” for obvious reasons.

Back in the days of analog over-the-air tv we had these. We called them “Rabbit Ears” for obvious reasons.

“The fact is, dying? It’s kind of my superpower... “

I’m confused. If people are paying but not watching, isn’t that ideal for Netflix? They get the money but don’t have to provide the bandwidth. What am I missing?

I grew up in Huntington WV, where the only coaster in town was the all-wood Big Dipper at Camden Park. Built in 1915, it was was a wreck by the early ‘50s; when the car went by chunks of rotten wood and miscellaneous hardware would rain down. My parents steadfastly refused to let me ride it, and I remained a roller