I’ve been a fairly serious amateur photographer since the ‘60s, and I quite agree that it’s the photographer and not the camera that makes a good picture. That said, you do in fact need a camera to take pictures. I have a Canon DSLR and a bunch of lenses, but I recently bought a Panasonic FZ-1000. It’s an advanced…
Posts like this give me cognitive dissonance. So many other posts on your sister blogs are very left-leaning, progressive or outright socialist, hell-bent on wealth redistribution. But here on Jalopnik you extol flashy cars who’s price would easily send several kids, or in some cases several neighborhood’s kids,…
I my own personal self have used an outhouse, the real deal in rural Mississippi in the early ‘50s. It was just a wooden seat with a hole in it over a hole in the ground filled with years worth of shit. I’m here to tell you, even a Port-A-Potty is a downtown Hilton in comparison. Indoor plumbing is the crown jewel of…
“At about the time of Louis XIV’s death in 1715, a new rule was put in place requiring that the corridors in the palace at Versailles be cleaned of feces once a week.” This was seen as a very modern and forward-looking policy.