
That’s dandy, but I wish someone would do something to rescue and rehabilitate the S.S. United States. Many plans to do so have been put forth, but so far nothing has happened.

Hydrox is the first and best.

I love posts like this. I worked for 45 years at a succession of three R&D firms, 30 years at the last one alone. I’d worry about maximizing my productivity to stay relevant, and generally obsessed about every minute of every day.

From the Gardenigloo web page: “ screws are are required for assembly.” The package includes 40 screws. Just saying...

Sam’s my hero not only because of his many iconic acting roles, but because he got Katherine Ross to marry him.

“... scrambled, hard-boiled, poached...”

...historically, the stock market has increased in value...” 

Reading: good. Books made of dead trees: bad. The answer is simple: Kindle. It’s quite possibly the greatest invention since the printing press.

I’ve been a fairly serious amateur photographer since the ‘60s, and I quite agree that it’s the photographer and not the camera that makes a good picture. That said, you do in fact need a camera to take pictures. I have a Canon DSLR and a bunch of lenses, but I recently bought a Panasonic FZ-1000. It’s an advanced

“...back when Colin Farrell and Rachel McAdams were the true detectives.

Name > dub”

Posts like this give me cognitive dissonance. So many other posts on your sister blogs are very left-leaning, progressive or outright socialist, hell-bent on wealth redistribution. But here on Jalopnik you extol flashy cars who’s price would easily send several kids, or in some cases several neighborhood’s kids,

Project Blue Book is essentially a remake of Project U.F.O., an NBC series that ran for two seasons in 1978 and 1979; it was produced by Jack Webb. In it, two Air Force officers investigated UFO sightings based on the real Blue Book reports.

Fun fact: the microphone in the lead photo is a Shure 55. Introduced in 1939, it is still manufactured and widely used today. It is sometimes called the “Elvis Mic” for the King’s preference for it; it was pictured with him in a commemorative stamp.

I my own personal self have used an outhouse, the real deal in rural Mississippi in the early ‘50s. It was just a wooden seat with a hole in it over a hole in the ground filled with years worth of shit. I’m here to tell you, even a Port-A-Potty is a downtown Hilton in comparison. Indoor plumbing is the crown jewel of

At about the time of Louis XIV’s death in 1715, a new rule was put in place requiring that the corridors in the palace at Versailles be cleaned of feces once a week.” This was seen as a very modern and forward-looking policy.

Truth is where you find it: