
Let’s cut to the chase; parenthood is 10% love, support and nurturing, and 90% poop. This is the book you want:

Your lead photo has me flashing back on the ‘50s and the air raid drills we had in school. That’s right; Russian bombers were coming to drop 10 megaton thermonuclear weapons on us, and we hid under a wood desk.

Radio Shack gave away Cuecats in the ‘90s; yes, I had one. Their print catalog had a Cuecat barcode for every product; it took you to the relevant page on their website. It actually worked ok, it was just a stupid idea and a lot more trouble than it was worth. Kind of like QR codes today. However, I give RS props for

If Gizmodo can recycle their posts, then I can recycle my comments.

Will Ferrell is a comedy android built by mad comedy scientists. However, they made a mistake wiring him up, connecting all the Plusses to Minus, and all the Minuses to Plus. The result is a big dumb guy who does funny things at all the wrong times, and fails to do funny things at the right times.

I quite agree. I bought two of them, one for our kitchen and one for the living room. My wife was dubious at first, but is now a full convert. She now juggles three or four overlapping timers with no trouble at all.

I quite agree. I bought two of them, one for our kitchen and one for the living room. My wife was dubious at first,

The mothership was a much more advanced time machine. They should have used the new lifeboat tech to upgrade the mothership.

A Christmas Story is based on two books of short stories by Jean Shepherd, In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash and Wanda Hickey’s Night Of Golden Memories and Other Disasters. The Red Ryder BB gun story was the only one with a Christmas theme, so the movie was built around that.

Will Ferrell is a comedy android built by mad comedy scientists. However, they made a mistake wiring him up, connecting all the Plusses to Minus, and all the Minuses to Plus. The result is a big dumb guy who does funny things at all the wrong times, and fails to do funny things at the right times.

Should I be concerned that this little girl is holding a condenser microphone to her ear like a handset? Just asking...

Should I be concerned that this little girl is holding a condenser microphone to her ear like a handset? Just asking...


“...except for the “comedic” runner about Kris Marshall’s Colin getting laid in America, which seems to be pretty universally reviled.”

The ‘50s was an era of rampant futurism, with breathless predictions of flying cars, jet packs and vacations on the Moon; I was there as a kid. The adults of the ‘50s were the same people who had fought and won WWII a decade earlier, a war we won with giant bombers, radar and atom bombs; anything seemed possible.

I take your point. However, in my experience (two kids), even absent alcohol parenting while sleep-deprived, exhausted and staggered by the smell coming out of the diaper pail is pretty much indistinguishable from being hung over.

When our kids were little, on more than one occasion my wife got the garden rake and raked up the toys in their rooms. True story.

“No bodies in the trunk”

“ in all the right ways...”

“ in all the right ways...”

I dunno... with those whiskers, I think there’s a Bad Santa joke in here somewhere.

Nice, but not quite as nice as that glorious day when you found the Cowin E7s with stacked codes for $11 delivered. I’m one of the fortunate few who actually got a pair before they pulled it. Not the greatest cans in the world, but for eleven bucks they’re just fine; I use them every day.

Nice, but not quite as nice as that glorious day when you found the Cowin E7s with stacked codes for $11 delivered.