Yoshida on his anonymous account: “Get out of the fucking orange you scrub!”
Yoshida on his anonymous account: “Get out of the fucking orange you scrub!”
Ah, so it goes. Good piece by Wesley, though.
Is now REALLY the fucking time for this?
Fuck cancer.
I’m a historian. Thats 100% accurate to history.
Now I have to watch Band of Brothers again. THANKS A LOT.
Women fought in WW II.
This is established historical fact.
The delicate fee-fees of the armchair historians who’ve never cared to engage with the reality of the war beyond saying “I watched Band of Brothers five times” (and no insult to Band of Brothers; I own the Blu-Ray and DVD editions, it was that good) are not a…
Deadpool Can Fuck Right Off - A Totally Objective Review By Shawn Cooke. Totally Objective, You Guys.
Ma’am, it’s okay, pancakes can flap, too.
Whine-1-1, what’s your emergency?
The cop - the black woman. Her facial expression is the story here. It is the face of “what kind of white nonsense is this?”...
That ignorant bitch Nicole Arbour is the actual woooooorst. I was done with her when she posted that “Dear Fat People” video. She *would* do something like this to art.
Its been 4 years and somehow people are still complaining about this...
Dang that’s rough. This level of composure always blows my mind, how someone can talk about their eminent leaving of this world in such a matter-of-fact way, and continue to focus on their profession.
If he is in the game I shall buy a dozen copies.
I loved their shit eating grins so much.
You totally forgot the best one from E3 2013: