
It actually will, because it will demonstrate through the diversity of opinions we have that you can’t - especially when a person doesn’t have the experience of being disabled, ND, or even discriminated against systemically - create declarative statements on what “Disability” is, even on a legal basis that still

Now they’re throwing Chris under the bus. Not surprised. 

It’s not simple baldness - if you watched the video, you’d know that.

It’s nice that you’ve worked with tons of disabled people. Doesn’t make you disabled or your opinions more valid than ours, any more than some #FFFFFF guy working with tons of Black people will make him an authority on what Blackness is. Some of us

Is your baldness related to an autoimmune disease? If not, then, no, you’re not disabled. If so, and you identify as it personally, you are.

Expected something different, didn’t you?

There are tons of disabilities that aren’t tough to deal with, yet they’re still disabilities. Metrics like these are ableist especially when they’re defined primarily by non-disabled people.

Knowledge is power, so check out this video on her autoimmune disease and inform yourself. 

Instead of reiterate how reductive and ableist that line of thinking is, I’m simply going to direct you to The Root’s excellent short video highlighting the auto-immune disease Jada has. 

Alopecia: Jada Pinkett Smith & Her Hair Loss Disorder Explained:

This likely won’t cease until they’ve interviewed every damn Black celeb there is for feedback on this... and every other random person has inserted themselves into the convo. Support and outrage are also split as well so no matter the stance he takes, he’ll be criticized. I’m really hoping he does like we do in

No, let’s create a society where ableism, sexism, and misogynoir are not acceptable so that marginalized groups -especially Black women - will not need to be expected to have “thick skin” whenever they’re embarrassed in front of millions. Let’s place the onus on men to be responsible for their actions, whether the

Alopecia is an umbrella term for many things that cause hair loss, including androgenetic alopecia (what many would consider typical balding as well as male-pattern balding), alopecia areata (which is not typical “balding” as it’s relatively sporadic, varied, and can happen at any age and influenced by an auto-immune

See, this is what we who are #ActuallyDisabled deal with regularly. There are myriad Disabled people who’d be disqualified if society still used that barbaric mindset, because disabilities are a spectrum. Some remain with a person their entire lives, others develop later, and some eventually diminish and/or are

The thing I love about being Disabled and ND is that I get to tell folks like you that multiple countries in Europe actually support people with areata and other forms of hair loss with wigs annually, etc., including children, since areata and similar forms of alopecia - especially universalis - are primarily medical

Right! Like comedians deal with hecklers - even violent ones - a lot and in most cases have security that actually does their job. If they haven’t been socked already for their edgelord jokes it’s highly unlikely a wave of random hooligans is gonna start bumrushing them now.

Honestly hope at the very least he apologizes to Jada. It’s so rare for Disabled folks to see able-bodied people stand up for us, especially the way Will did. Chris has thrown shots at her for a while and even presuming he didn’t know about her areata, which I honestly doubt given how public she’s been - her shaving

I have become addicted to the Flail, as well as the nifty dagger that gives the enemy Scarlet Rot. Also Dragon Communion skills, which are so OP I’m surprised they weren’t nerfed. Everybody was talking about how hard Radahn was but I beat him in two tries just using Rotten Breath and a few hits while the summons did

I remember some of my favorite and not-so-favorite books got recommended through her.

This. Especially since Chris didn’t press charges. 

This is gonna spark the largest RTT yet.

If anything, a lotta wypipo will qualify and a helluva lot of AfAms won’t because of paperwork issues. Have a friend who’s a GU272 descendant in Maringouin and people who are legit known to be related but lack the proper legal documents weren’t counted in their initiative. 

Spent over 200 hours in it and still haven’t beaten it purely because I enjoy exploring.