
“If I did it” author O.J. Simpson tells what would’ve happened at the Grammys if he did it.


I expect memes to tide us over in the meantime. That said, I wonder if they’re going to punish him like they did John Wayne when he attempted to assault Sacheen Littlefeather, which was invite him to present an award only two years later? Doubt it.

LMFAO. I’ll take happy for you. Take this star.

Manchin has already said he will.

“Low functioning” and “High functioning” are both terms invented by a Nazi eugenicist to determine which autistic children were “worth saving” in his eyes. I’ll ask you to refrain from using it, and yes, autism runs in my family (even had a nonverbal great uncle who only communicated through laughter). I didn’t want

Man, history really is happening so quickly. 

So do I - mainly because of my Epilepsy. I even take medicine for it.

Seen so many ignorant comments. I’m glad it’s being highlighted.

I’m going to direct you to the US’ “Ugly Laws”. Fines in some places could range from 1-50 dollars (this was the 1800's) and actual incarceration in “Poor houses. San Francisco had them, Chicago had them, and numerous other cities - including Pennsylvania and NOLA - in the US did. Disabled people were often poor

I need more than a hint.

As I already pointed out, Alopecia areata - an autoimmune condition that some men also suffer from - is not the same as regular baldness via MPB let alone aging. There are myriad people with it who have not gone completely bald, and even children can get it. Stop trying to educate people who are actually Disabled on

Yes, “for the sake of the child”, normalize the Othering of autistic children instead of accept that a child doesn’t need to be neurotypical and that societies should accommodate them.

Androgenetic Alopecia (MPB) is not the same as Alopecia areata. The former is caused primarily by genetics and hormones and happens in patterns and/or stages, especially aging. Alopecia areata does not and is primarily caused by an autoimmune disorder -other factors can contribute, including endocrine - that literally

I am literally disabled and have been all my life. I will likely die from mine - high risk of SUDEP - so spare me the arguments about what you think are and aren’t “true” disabilities. Not surprised an NT parent would rather not have an autistic child at all than actually accommodate them.

As can be seen, you can have a million nonviolent teachable moments and fuckwads will still be Ableist.

This wasn’t some random display of violence imo but an event crystalizing after a very public mocking of an issue she’s struggled openly with for years on National television... the same night a movie starring Disabled people won an Award, not that I believe they care now. It wasn’t a “slight”. The same guy who’d made

Alopecia is an autoimmune disorder and can have other factors going on as well other than hair loss in some cases. A person being bald doesn’t mean they have it any more than it would mean they had cancer, so I don’t get where you got the impression that me referencing her disability = “bald people in general are

Fully support the slap. Tired of ableds pullin’ ish like that. The fact that CODA, etc. was up on the same night their writers chose to make an embarrassing and *high key* ableist joke about a Disabled Black woman’s hair she has been public about for years on National television, let alone through a guy who did a doc

Ableds don’t get to joke about us (disabled folks in general) with no consequences, especially not ableds who’ve literally done docs on Black hair before, only to publicly embarrass a Disabled Black woman with an autoimmune disorder affecting her hair on National television. People outraged care more about the optics