
Aunt May is the worst example mentioned. She appears in three films, had an entire romance and breakup, and the entire premise of Spidey’s history involves him losing a relative- in this case, her instead of Uncle Ben. Peter didn’t “become” a better person by her dying either; it took the other Spideys who also lost a

It’s been forever, but as a person who actually is a Black NDN(my Nativeness does not come from the US and - shock! - we do not have reserves or rely on Blood Quantum or solely on genetics) I imagine HLG jr. is proud of his article being used currently by anti-Black Natives to erase the existence of and further

You can tell this publication is starving for traffic if they have to use a tagline clearly referencing a movie scene and years-old interview snippets for a relevant cultural commentary article. I used to idolize y’all back in the day.

No, he was right and the terms of how he deals with it are his to make, not yours. I knew people who committed suicide because of how they were treated. The fact MBJ is a meme factory for most people will not suddenly make what happened to him okay nor mean he should be silent about it when that person shows up acting

The original song - that’s not Ye’s version - probably gives her positive memories about when her parents weren’t divorced. Thassit. People should stop projecting their issues with her parents onto her.

It’s great to hear she’s recovering well.

What part of “the US sells arms to over 100 countries” and its weapons have been used in the very atrocities and deaths of Africans you keep virtue signaling about is being missed? It’s been happening for decades and continuing to take on palpable threats as it backs Imperialist interests in the name of “Liberalism”.

The US is the largest supplier of arms in the world. So no, they were not all supplied by one man.

When Skinfolk are doing that shyt it really irks me. Like y’all are suddenly patriots who care about the troops now? Whelan is an espionage issue; there’s no way or reason the two of them would ever have come up together in the same exchange deal. This ain’t a swap meet or some Michael Bay blockbuster.

Done literally manifested “We was Kangs” into existence. If Rama Tut debuts in the MCU I am gonna lose it!

He’s Kanaka Maoli. He’s showing solidarity to his people. 

This is Tiffany “Where are the bodies?” Haddish we’re talmbout. Anyone following her knows unusually harmful mindsets are not uncommon. It’s also not unthinkable that a survivor can internalize or at least perpetuate harmful stigmas they themselves experienced on others. The very fact that she was trying to spin this

A person folks would go out of their way to stress is biracial identifies as biracial and is having an honest discussion of what that’s like is now being criticized for not perceiving or understanding Blackness in the context of a woman who isn’t? And Lemon, a guy who literally used to Step n’ Fetch for the media,

Her commentary was filled with ableist buzzwords referencing “emotional intelligence” and other problematic ideologies Black Disabled and ND people have been fighting against the racist medical industry she’s in using. Not to mention as a licensed therapist she explicitly referenced her patient demographic on a social

Fannie Lou Scammer, Langston Hueless, Denmark Larceny, Bet Hewhite, Harriet Bankrupt

And not even just stealing songs; she’s stolen wholeass choreography without attributing it but these folks will never stop excusing the bullisht.

Past time. Maybe NY can join the two states that ban sterilizations of Disabled and Neurodiverse folks next?

This is indefensible and I’m glad the daughter read Mo’Nique for filth for that shyt. His family ain’t got shyt to do with their beef and she of all people is a survivor and knows better. 

His complaints are on-point. The main folks who get exposure in cishet circles like these tend to be baiters that everybody recognizes as straight no matter how “fluid” they appear to be or people who are fluid but straight-coded. Even LNX started out as the latter. And even when they aren’t, if they wanna stay

Song titles aren’t protected by copyright generally so I doubt they have a case purely on that basis, especially when Carla Thomas released a song with that name in the 60s IIRC.