
EXACTLY! Like what “roles” for dark-skinned Black women has she been taking, based on her history? What men? We counting Norbit (and by Mawuga was that film oozing with misogynoir and fatphobia) now? Why is she “apologizing” for being light as-if that’s some kind of offense those “prejudiced” dark-skinned Black women

That was the most self-congratulatory bullshyt-ass “apology”, and nothing honestly signified how goofy and dishonest it was to me than when she went out of her way to single out AfAm women as being the main ones she receives “prejudice” from. And of course, she’s been married for over two decades to a white man yet app

Nintendo is far from the only company that issues DCMAs to fan-related projects so I’m not seeing this as unusual - RIP Pokemon Uranium. Even Bethesda will do this if policies are violated - i.e. reusing certain assets without permissions. Pokemon belongs to them and they’re entitled, for better or worse, of

That’s the thing that is going to do Marvel in: their need to have every damn film and tv show interconnected with each other. This Omicron variant ain’t no joke though: it’s so contagious even people who were masked and boosted are getting the virus.

It’s beyond time that she got this.

Swimming was always something I loved when I was able to and once considered trying to get into the competitive side of it. It’s great to see her shine.

I really appreciate her work so I probably will check this out.

So this is why CJ missed the train...

I hope he’s wisened up and stopped this foolishness (just like he had to when he used to believe the Earth was flat). He has put a lot of lives at risk for his ignorant “personal choice”.

“Tell the truth and shame the devil!” non-biblical African-American proverb
Sometimes I turn it out so my Uncle can sleep better, sometimes, I leave it on when I’m finished, especially if I just cooked a monthly dinner.

SN: Sometimes, I really miss classic VSB, but it’s good to see you trying to hold it down and doing a

As much as her commentary annoyed me, it’s far from the worst among the camp at Disney that still gets deals from them, so I sorta knew they weren’t -especially given how profitable the first BP was - gonna axe her. Yes, the bar is in Hell. 

This was a classic fxxking episode lmfaoooooo

Sheeeeeeeeeeid. 50 million? Now that’s an investment, AND he got Kanye to help him out. It’s great that he’s offered to do this though. Reminds me of when he gave his award to UGK because he believed they should’ve won way back.

Same thing happened to Identity Politics. Irks my nerves whenever I see people misusing it.

He totally deserves the blame. Anyone who saw that promo for this or knew of his antics prior to this show knows he was a catalyst for it. 

How interesting that this shows up on my feed in the wake of a major Housing Crisis at Howard - not to mention them still reeling from the mishandling of those student r*pe cases. Rashad’s antics did not help them either.

Based on what I saw him doing when people were literally trying to get help from him to stop, I am sideeyeing the hell out of this response of his. 

“KRS-One’s reminder that “If you ain’t bout our people, then fuck you: 2 points”

This should be a deduction of 2 points considering KRS defended a pedophile.

Look at alla tha folks saying “Protect Black Women!” folding over to protect Cosby now.

Of course a millionaire who will never run out of supporters would opine about being “cancelled” like it actually affected them.