

Also Biden: *renews Title 42s INDEFINITELY, appeals federal injunction halting his administration’s abuse of them

So many of his stans gaslit me when I said this rasclot was just as dangerous as Diet Underwood given the policies he’d be willing to support and

Like he is outcheah spewing this bullshyt about his concern for our community while he is literally appealing a federal judge’s halt on the Title 42s he put back in place indefinitely while his administration was fast tracking deportations and not even trying to test them for C-19 despite all the claims to being

Biden literally resumed the Trump-era Title 42 policy and tried to use Delta as his excuse to continue deporting Ayisyens. It just took a Federal Judge to block his policy, a ruling that is expected to go into effect within a couple weeks. The people committing these atrocities are operating with his full permission,

Fuck that rasclot while he shyts on 14000 Ayisyens and continues Trump-era policies after already previously supporting a dictator. Well over 100 children not even five fucking years old were deported last Sunday along with others (about 327 Ayisyens in total according to some AFP reports). People were in camps he

Well if it isn’t the consequences of their prior actions coming back. Must think we forgot about the last time you passed an unconstitutional Voter ID bill.

Are eliminations going to be relegated to which causes are considered activist-worthy or not? Based on how many signatures, shares, etc. your petition gets?

This doesn’t make his statement more reasonable. It only further shames the victim of said-abuse and blames them for their failures and not the persons in authority literally creating these environments which are discouraging to people who simply want to pursue their career goals. The fact that a person *can* push

Got peeps in Point Coupee I’m trying to check-in on.

Some of the pointless twirling, etc., reminded me of something you’d see out of one of those old-school flicks.

But yes, it’s wild how the brotha has the only semblance of an actual storyline going in the video and simultaneously wilds out with a bunch of flips like he’s in a dance battle.

Have they decided to stop sterilizing people? If not, then this headline’s misleading.

It says something about this country’s work culture that people are praising her for “toughing it out” for working through serious injuries, given the age she’s getting these at, and that we aren’t prioritizing safer working environments on acting sets instead.

No, we weren’t duped. Y’all were. Nobody used to hearing that fuckshyt is gonna think that clown went from “my gay fans don’t have AIDS because they don’t suck pay-nus in parking lots” to this facetious attempt to dapologize by gaslighting folks.

Pretty sure Howard is not a Mecca for Black survivors of sexual assault. Just ask the six women who settled with them over their fuckery just last year, making Rashad’s response to the Cosby verdict very in character for them. All the Black Excellence in the world is not going to restore the luster Howard once had.

So they come with that weirdly satisfying new shoe scent, I assume?

I once remember some clown that frequents this feed referring to those of us who stress Disability Justice in conversations of racism as some caricature of the NRA for Disabled and/or Neurodiverse people. I bet their trash-ass takes are aging very well right now.

No. It’s not just “training”. Medical professionals are just as racist and prone to getting people who are disabled and/or neurodiverse brutalized and/or killed, especially those of us whom are also Black. Ableism goes beyond just some oblivious police officers who have no problem murdering us.

Of course the murders of the disabled and neurodiverse are tragedies that always are inevitable in their eyes.

Still staying. I still read some VSB posts when I’m not droppin’ in on the old gang elsewhere to see how they’re doing. 

So they’re “making Black women feel bad” by “regurgitating” your talking points and quoting you verbatim, Umar?


None of the people you mentioned, to your first point overrules the wide acceptance of Slavery in slave-holding states and in their own, which they called “leases”. Not even including their extensive economic investments in the trade.

Noting Barnum exploited other people doesn’t ignore that he was literally also a