
Note: R.W. Lindsay was the first to display Heth in Pennsylvania; Barnum later purchased her, and then eventually moved to the “free state” of NY, where he began exploiting her through his performances as well and jumpstarted his career. One of the few documented pieces contesting her exploitation was not concerned

The “North” was opposed to expanding it more than they were to actually ending it and they still had loopholes making it permissible in places where slavery was banned. Much of their economic clout also came as a result of African enslavement, which included mills and plants dedicated to manufacturing materials for

That sounds like an Originalist argument, which is very common. There are plenty of Liberals who’d likely clap with their Republican friends if we didn’t have social media reporting everything. We were fucked either way since “Liberals” in contrast only wanted to count Africans that were free, which likely could’ve

I don’t think people understand so I’ll explain it:

It’s legal to not pay people with developmental disabilities equal minimum wage, including in SC(legislation is on its way to the House for it to be banned in SC IIRC, which would make it only the seventh state to have banned the practice). I wouldn’t be surprised if

We can strive to make the content of our politics immune to appropriation, but tragically the language we use to talk about those politics isn’t incorruptible.”


Y’all are going to do right by us and stop erasing our disabilities one day.

I think her complaints re: the show are definitely valid, but that other personal shyt involving Angel Curiel she chose to publicly disclose - who is more than ten years younger than her, btw - is hella abusive. I really hope she gets help and I hope he gets out because that’s not a healthy relationship at all.

Probably while dressed as Madea. 

I really wish we could keep centering Makhia Bryant, Matthew Zadok Williams, Anthony Brown jr., or even the Michael Hickson Act that’s being introduced in Texas rather than focus on that vapid clown’s pandering.

I just learned another Black and Disabled person was murdered a couple days ago and literally could’ve been saved(Matthew Zadock Williams). I’m beyond tired.

Someone comes to my home to jump me with their friend, please believe I’m brandishing a knife on their ass too. I’m not even paying attention to the ones talking about how composed he was in fatally shooting her.

I wish these kind of posts were so much more frequent. I really needed to read this.

I really thought the disconnect Sam has with Bradley was done excellently. People love positioning atrocities like those in the past and as things that don’t happen any more and thus it was easy to just caricature Bradley as “bitter” instead of a person who literally lives off the radar as someone dead in order to

Plenty of police are “charged” and then acquitted. None of those methods will ever work consistently because they still operate by the rules of an oppressive system that favors and protects them, even when it pretends that it doesn’t. #DefundThePolice

She’s already appealing it and it’s set to take place this month.

Unfortunately because of how the system is set up, the burden of proof for 1st degree - especially in a racist system - is much higher than it would be for 2nd degree. It would never have been justice even if a first degree charge was doled out because it would only prove an exception, rather than the rule, as history

They’re the NYPD. Those folks expected them to change?

These are gonna be worth a ton and price gouged to death now.

I know someone whose life was ruined when they were given some stuff that had been laced as well. That person is still struggling with their addiction to this day. This hits home.

And of course being disabled to these fuckwads is being used as a credible argument that it justifies our deaths. We are less than human to them. If his disability had been a factor, it certainly would’ve proven it.