Solid contender for worst fucking episode.
Solid contender for worst fucking episode.
what is a cd
I thought the album was gonna come out during the holiday season, but I stand corrected. Looks like the unbelievers were right. Glad you took steps to fix this.
Fuck your “Well actually” horseshit.
Please grace us with your top 10 list of games from the last 5 years.
im going to frame this and hang it on my office wall
2 words: Pokemon
If the game didn’t actively work to keep the racers close together it would be less fun. Items would be less useful. Other random elements (like in the track design) would be out of place.
It’s not poor game design - its game design that keeps racers close & competitive. Its the difference between being a party game and a racing sim
I’m still betting that the game he was referring to was Hey, Pikmin! I believe they said this wasn’t the case, but I still think they were confused and it actually was the case. I’d love to be wrong though.
huh, you’re right. it’s for switch though.
I assume that’s 900 Billion yen
It wasn’t even 1 000 billion yen. The source reads 1 000 億(hundred million) 円 (yen) aka 100 billion yen aka $910 million
Maybe he meant 900 billion Japanese Yen?
I would call this a savage burn by Emma.
If you can’t tell, I don’t like electronic music. :-(
p rude of you towards Guiding Light