
Nintendo could buy Take 2 if they wanted to

They came out the same year

thats pretty good r u selling?

I can tell you know how jeopardy works

it also disables the touchscreen which is useful for pockets

The Wii U used a ~5yr old chip when it was released

Japan wouldn’t be using the same servers as North America or Europe

One of the writeups I read today said that a Nintendo rep claimed that the items/equipment/stuff you pick up can be exchanged for rupees, which can be exchanged for other stuff.

This game is by far the most impressive thing on Wii U. If you think an indie dev could make this given the console’s spec then you’re dreaming.

I don’t know if having more configurations to support simplifies development

Pretty sure that’s just the reflection from the window

because they’re identical?

The patent was for using a custom shape screen to essentially wrap around buttons / analog sticks.

yeah but how many of the people who spent ~thousands of hours~ on the original game are seeing any of the new revenue?

Just because its a Mario games doesn’t make it a sequel

It’s 480p and 16x9 on Wii

who said anything about thinking its an original idea?

I think you missed The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, which comes out Oct. 22