
They're showing off a brand new 3DS game tomorrow (?) in a 90 minute presentation/Q&A. Should be a pretty significant reveal

He's obviously making a joke at Apple's expense

Andy Warhol?

Right, because it would be impossible for anyone to rationally be pessimistic about VR.

You realize that China and Japan are different countries, right?


I think the term is 'rolling in his grave'

Most likely development started before PS4 dev kits were available. Plus I think in terms of time/resources, its easier to take a finished product and port it to a new console than to develop a game from the ground-up, optimized for the new console.

This makes me think there isn't another big holiday game for Wii U this year

Maybe it's just my computer or something, but the 60fps video is really low quality

Metroid Prime Trilogy is a Wii game, not a Wii U game, and the Wii U doesn't upscale Wii games (even though it seems like that would be an easy/obvious feature; I'm not a technical expert though)

the 480/720 refers to the vertical pixel count, so it's actually 16:9 480p

It's 480p, not 720p; you should still check it out though!

I don't get it

Yes, but he took over Nokia as it was becoming irrelevant. I don't know if this is a fair representation of his performance.

Samsung S-Box

"Good Feeling"
-Satoru Iwata

So is the problem that you don't have any friends to enjoy it with?

I don't think a significant portion of owners have more than one 3DS