
Professional athletes/competitors are automatically role models imo; every kid would love to get paid doing what they enjoy whether that be sports or video games so they instantly try to mimic their heroes. Outbursts like this are embarrassing and can easily be prevented. There are plenty of perfectly effective methods

This all day.

Being passionate about a brand is uncool now? I guess people better start pulling those apple stickers off their cars.

But were you agile enough to truly earn that title?

I was about to agree, then I realized the twisted shit that would occur in the expectation of a now, guaranteed payout. People already dive in front of moving vehicles, nothing else would surprise me.

As a casual gamer, this is so far over my head. I personally enjoy PUBG more because it’s simple - land, loot, kill. Watch a pro PUBG match and you’ll just see people with really good reaction speeds. I watch a Fortnite match and my eye starts to twitch when they start spamming walls and ramps until they magically

Does the speed of ascent stay the same the entire trip?

I would love to see an altimeter on screen along a chart of it’s ascent. I have no concept of how the air pressure affects that balloon.

Ah, that makes more sense. I actually rarely play Zarya or Reaper so I can see why it all went over my head.

Whaaat? I think people simply haven’t watched someone play her correctly. That teleporter turns symmetra into a murder machine. You can scatter turrets behind enemy lines, then dive in with a fully charged shot and drop someone before they know what’s happening. Im only in gold, but I have gold kills and hero damage

I dropped some rusty nails in a bottle of about 1 inch of diet Coke and it exploded just like mentos all over my kitchen. I apparently missed that day of chemistry class...

“On a rare occasion...”*

I hope this policy is advertised. It could be a VERY costly mistake for someone... The week long badges go for $6000 each and there is no longer a lottery to get them. Standard policy is if you’re asked to leave, you never get badges again.

Whoa whoa whoa. Don’t start making sense up in here all of a sudden. This is an emotions-only zone.

When I was in highschool we could be exempt from midterms and finals if our average was 4.0+ and we had a clean record - we could even skip the entire day. One day of in/out of school suspension and you’d lose that privilege. It REALLY worked... What is stopping elementary and middle schools from applying something

Call the office of consumer affairs if you find it excessive. Most states have cracked down on dealers and forced them to itemize their costs associated with the doc fee. The reason you can’t negotiate it is because it’s a partial cost of sale total divided by the average amount of cars sold. I actually think it is

I live in GA and have been doing this for ages... Look at me, I’m a hipster now! (is that still a thing?)

This. I had a private server with friends (we’re busy with work/kids) and we couldn’t survive long enough to even go near one of those towers. Ark felt like it was built around being difficult for public servers, but for people like us it just wasn’t worth the grind. I’d kill for 7DTD/xml style modding options.

You’ll lose your job over that comment some day.

Is that some sort of official qualifier for currencies we should take seriously?