
And millions of people live and work outside of major cities where this practice would seem irrelevant. You’d have to make it a universal law to ensure everyone learned it. Possible, but unlikely.

God I hope this works out. Pocket has turned into my virtual junk drawer. I know there are links in there I NEED, but I’ve literally lost them under a years worth of other pages.

I think they’re owned by Netscape.

Haha, I worked for a Nissan dealer for 5 years and this is so true.

I hear it will be released under the name: Half Life 3: The Last Guardian... eventually.

Wow, that’s a good tip I’ve never heard before!

That IS a huge problem and I’ve experienced it from the management side. You can start to reach into another department, but you risk damaging your reputation with your co-workers and/or management. This is a good example of why it’s better to work for a larger company vs a smaller one.

What Eric didn’t mention is the human element of getting a promotion. The highest performing employee will never get a promotion if they lack interpersonal skills, create conflict, or are generally unappealing to be around (hygiene, habits, etc.), to name a few. Sometimes you may be perfectly fine, but your superior

Personally, I’ve always been a “systems” person and found faults in it as well. Where I struggle (in a business context) is when having a goal is the the catalyst to take a risk. I am extremely efficient in my routine tasks and in development of my skills, but I often suffer from decision paralysis because taking a

What I would do for a rollerball version of this mouse...

What I would do for a rollerball version of this mouse...

From what I know. NMS is far more of an arcade style game where E:D (which I play) is more simulation. NMS is friendlier on the eyes, and all around more appealing to the masses. You know damn well E:D wasn’t made for your average gamer. If I pick up NMS I don’t plan on it competing with my E:D time.

I just got a hold of 4 commercial solid core doors with full length hinges, perfect for this! The doors came with spring loaded “closer” arms. I’m hoping to use them to assist in lifting the table - these things are HEAVY.

Even after playing my first few rounds, my biggest “WOW!” came when I started to browse the skins. I only hope that they are able to keep pumping out new skins of this quality - I’ll certainly buy them!

Eh, doubt it. Go to any exploit site and everyone will tell you it’s not if you’ll get banned, but when. They all see it coming.

I will be selling off a few software solutions within the next year and my only solution so far is to hire an advisor. Any tips, or “I wish I would haves” from people managing their own investments?

1) If you had $1m to invest at age 30, how would you start your journey into the investing world? Books? Online Courses?

Sounds like I’m a little behind the times. Thanks!

I’ve been lucky enough to grow up in an environment where I can use CMSes and Dreamweaver to create websites w/o being a pro at HTML,CSS, etc. Forms continue to be the biggest frustration for me. At a beginner skill level, they are painfully complicated to setup and design. I have tried a handful of software options,

That video just gave me ADD.

Found that out the hard way... 2200CP Flareon it is.

They really oughta leave directions for that sort of thing.