
Uh... what? It will result in a very unofficial takedown notice and everyone will move on as usual. Google images hosts all kinds of clip art and generic artwork that gets used in small banners like this - it would need to be a pretty substantial ad campaign to garner any lawyer’s attention.

Lawyers are free.

I know it is illegal in both GA and SC to advertise any guaranteed trade / trade assistance. Check with your office of consumer protection. If if you catch someone doing this they may be liable for some nasty fines.

Yeah, but in ingress don't you just stand around?

I wonder if anyone considered how many people will be killed by cops while playing this game in the US.

“The suspect was wandering around, changing directions erratically, and cursing while holding his cell phone in the air. When he reached in his pocket and started to fling something at the side of the building we

I thought about CTF as well until I considered the fact all heroes do not move at the same speed. There aren’t too many successful CTF games/modes where everyone’s movement speeds aren’t the same (or damn near it). Ever play TF2's CTF? Scouts(fast and dodgy) are the only ones capping the flag. If you see other classes

You would be surprised how many small business owners operate by A) Staying legal and B) Following the industry. If your industry happens to compete with large corporations then you would naturally pay your people the same despite having a smaller margin. For many businesses, this will eliminate that margin

It’s easy to say this now, but the reality is that businesses of all sizes and entire industries have been built on this mathematically flawed system. Entire businesses went from just getting by to being on a sinking ship. I can't argue against the changes, but I can't ignore the hardships so many businesses are

Really well! There’s enough vertical clearance, and the rear wheels are large enough that it can handle any threshold or thick rug in your house. I wouldn’t trade mine for anything - I can’t figure out for the life of me why they aren’t more popular.

Really well! There’s enough vertical clearance, and the rear wheels are large enough that it can handle any

I’ve been told I have a nice smile. So as an introvert I’ve had to train myself to always make brief eye contact and give a friendly smile. I get a friendly smile or response 99% of the time. I work in high paced sales environments so I have to do this a dozen times per day!

My first bench was made out of 2x4s and a couple layers of plywood for the top. You only need a power drill and skillsaw which you can find for dirt cheap at a yard sale and it will be strong enough for anything.

That’s a fair point, but I feel like it would be easy to draw the line between someone suing because the pizza burned made them jerk backwards and damage their vertebrae and a case where a cop kicks the shit out of someone.

From personal experience, your litigious fraudsters will lose due to hard evidence w/o any form

Agreed. I think his abilities are unique and his character design is great, but no matter how I play him I end up dying too often and switch to Lucio/Mercy.

The key is to make the loser of the suit liable for all lawyer costs and court fees. My company just closed a suit for a customer injury on our property which we disproved with a mountain of evidence including video. The customer didn't spend a dime while we dropped a few grand and face an increase in insurance

If you’ve ever been to Harrods then you’d understand why this was the PERFECT place for a tacky, overpriced vehicle.

To clarify my vague description, I see the phenomenon as the culmination of society’s opinions, the media’s reaction to those opinions, and the actual state of the generation and the workplace.

Do you start all discussions with people by addressing them as fucknut or is that just your internet modus operandi?

I definitely approached this from a different perspective despite the fact the first sentence addresses people quitting a solid job. Thanks for pointing that oversight out.

Hey now, I never said anything about “Spoiled Millennials”. I was simply commenting on how vastly different it genuinely feels - at least for myself. I clarified how I didn’t see it as anything wrong due to the fact I understand the reasons behind its prominence today. I’m with you completely.

Wow, this article is 100% a result of this millennial phenomenon. I’m not saying it’s wrong, but it’s certainly odd that we have to tell young people to “work your way up” when it was the natural progression many of grew up expecting.