
I feel like you're taking a 50/50 chance there. Half the people you encounter may have a more pronounced sense of smell. By not wearing deodorant you're opening yourself to the opportunity to offend someone. By wearing any form of deodorant, aftershave, etc. you can ensure that you're 100% covered.

Due to some sad individuals I work with, I both starred this article and commented from the headline alone.

But I thought my undergrad degree guaranteed me a job where that wasn't the case. I blame the opposing political party for this!

People become idiots?

Jesus... I'm not sure I even knew half of those levels existed in that game.

Personally, no single-player game can hold my attention for long. I'm a multi-player fanatic through and through. Thuss far, playing with my friends has been a struggle (they are fixing that in March) and I often found myself farming solo for the next big ship. It essentially turned the game into a single-player game

I still get a little nerdgasm when I happen to approach a planet just right and eclipse the neighboring star. The halo effect combined with the absolute blackness is really a gorgeous thing in this game.

Found this on Saturday, and had everything looking spiffy an hour later.

Because being paranoid is a just plain irrational thing to do, right?

(disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm talking about.)

Perhaps(and yes I looked this up), but that country was also in quite a bit of turmoil from the reconstruction, having an unfavorable dictator, the existence of fairly radical political parties, and a government making knee-jerk, paranoia driven decisions.

Is anyone aware of a feature or app on Android to "snooze" notifications after receiving one. I have contacts who tend to message me one sentence at a time and I can't stand my phone vibrating or screaming at me 20 times in 60 seconds.

Proof once again that the noisy Internet does not understand or appreciate the scale of these projects. They don't develop all this content overnight. This shit has been planned for months, if not years. Can a project manager give me an amen?

The real question is, $15 before or after the 50% discount?

I'm with you on this. Of the approximate 320,000,000 documented people living in the US, if you genuinely feel that you are at risk of being targeted and acted upon here then I hope you also realize that you have a greater risk of dying from drug reactions, tsunamis, bees(lots of them), dog bites, and tons more freak

I agree with you and I think this is another great example of the whole white privilege(this word makes me cringe) concept. I don't recall who said it all (Chris Rock?), but it really opened my eyes to something so obvious - When we say "Women have come a long way." or "Black people have come a long way." we're really

and that's why you always leave a note

Yep. Ultimately this comes down to being educated. People throw themselves into leases and loans all the time with out the slightest understanding. Knowing the definition of a contract would solve this for the most part.

I bet it's an Alicia Keys mp3.

Then you sit down at a DVORAK keyboard and have an aneurysm.